Chapter Sixty Eight

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Chapter Sixty-Eight

There were sharp intakes of breath after I flashed my neck and made my declaration, however, they weren't from Beta Kieran, they were from the guards who were manning this area.

I could imagine the looks on their faces as they realised that a human could potentially be mated to their Alpha. The temptation to look at them and their reaction was almost overwhelming but I had to stay focused and on track.

What I was doing wasn't right, it wasn't the decent and ethical thing to do but when faced with death how many people wouldn't do the 'bad' thing to save their life?

Beta Kieran's eyes were fixated on the mark that I was distastefully showing him, his eyes zeroing in on it as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"I am your Luna." I repeated the words again. "I am the Luna of this pack."

It was a strange feeling making that announcement, I felt this surge of power and control, something I hadn't felt since that fateful night.

"He marked you." The sentence came out more like a question and it seemed like it was directed more towards him then it was towards me. The disbelief in his voice wasn't unexpected but what was unexpected were the hints of pride and joy in his voice.

Why would he be happy about Alpha Alessandro marking me?

The erratic pace of my heart pounding away and my anxiousness was probably have a detrimental effect on my hearing. There was no reason for Beta Kieran to be at all happy about this union, I had no idea what his thoughts about humans were and while he has treated both Cami and I good under the circumstances, it wouldn't unrealistic to think that he would prefer a Werewolf Luna and not a human Luna.

"Yes." Though it was not a question and it was not directed to me, I answered it anyway. "He marked me."

An unexpected thing occurred next, Beta Kieran let out a chuckle. It was low at first for a few seconds before it increased in volume and turned into laughter.

Was he laughing because he didn't believe me and thought I was messing around?

He had to believe me, there was a mark on my neck which meant someone had to have marked me. Even if he doubted it was his Alpha, who else could it be? I was under constant surveillance and no one other than himself, Teresa or the Alpha were around me.

"Nala Ayad, our Luna."

"You believe me?"

Beta Kieran let out another laugh. "I knew something was up the moment Alpha Alessandro met your sister."

Confusion filled my body as I stared at Beta Kieran, what did he mean by that? Why did he think something was up when they met Cami? I had no interaction with Alpha Alessandro at that point and the first time we interacted was when I spoke to him on Cami's phone.

"I don't understand."

Beta Kieran shook his head. "Now is not the time." He turned towards the guards that were still standing there, they weren't looking at us but I was 100% sure they were intently listening to our conversation. "You will not utter a single word about what you have just heard to anyone. Do you understand?"

"Yes Beta." The men said simultaneously.

"You can't tell anyone either." I told Beta Kieran. I had a strong feeling that Alpha Alessandro wouldn't want anyone knowing that we were mates.

He nodded towards my neck. "I suggest you cover that up if you don't want anyone else knowing."

Taking his advice, I quickly covered my neck and the mark up with my hair, using my finger as a brush to smooth it down. "What about Teresa?"

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