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"First with Harry and Cho Chー"

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"First with Harry and Cho Ch"

The beginning of this year's holiday was what Liliana Granger deemed the summer of letters. Why you may ask, well to put it into simple terms, it seemed as though every week there was an owl flying into their home and dropping off a letter from either Ben and Atlas or Ron and Harry. Only once did they receive a letter from another person other than the boys, which was when they'd received their supplies list from Hogwarts.

However, the odd thing was that this year's list required something new: Dress Robes. This stumped Liliana and Hermione for a while, not sure of the exact need, nevertheless they ended up going out and purchasing two dresses that in Liliana's opinion were as elegant as they could come.

Hermione, after several choices, with the help of her mum and Liliana, finally decided on some dress robes of a floaty material with an icy periwinkle-blue color with several silver lines running along the top to the hem of it.

Liliana, who also had a helping hand from her mum and sister, decided on a set of dusty rose dress robes that had a shimmer of lace flowers throughout; it was made of a flowy material like Hermione's.

With regard to the letters, other than the one they'd received from Hogwarts, there was nothing strange about them, however, at times there would be one to many owls perched on top of the counter, or ruffling their feathers on the sofa; it was chaotic. And it didn't help when Ron's owl, Pig, would be the last to come in.

This past week, Pigwidgeon had come twice, and within those two trips, for the final he had two letters tied around his leg; it was in Hermione's and Liliana's opinion, way too much for the tiny bird.

Loki on the other hand, who was coming back from his delivery to Ben and Atlas, was carrying a sole letter; he looked rather irritated to see Ron's owl with two.

"When is Ron going to start learning that Pig can't carry everything?" Hermione wondered aloud as she untied the envelopes around the owls leg.

"Not quite sure," Liliana replied as she fed him a piece of bread. "But he doesn't seem to mind it," she added as she fed Loki the rest.

And as though Pig were agreeing with Liliana's statement he hooted loudly.

Hermione laughed. "Well Pig, we won't doubt your strength again."

"What have the boys got for us today?" Liliana pondered as she opened one of the envelopes and began unfolding the parchment. "Ah, this one's from Atlas and Ben. What about yours 'Mione?"

"Ron," she replied as she skimmed over the letter. "And the other, I'm not so sure."

"Figures," Liliana muttered as she began to read from the paper.

Dear Girls,

To answer the questions to your previous letter, no one has really bothered me about dad, well not as much as I'd've thought. I get a few stares out in public and some questions but it's all because of that Rita Skeeter; she's beyond irritating. Have you seen the Prophet? She painted me out as a boy with a broken past (The woman's never met me!) that's been wanting to mend it and meet his father. And Fudge is buying into it; seems he's forgotten that he defended me against Snape last year.

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