a big (possible) rewrite of together? always.

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Authors Note:

hi everyone! i hope you're all doing well, and having great nights or days depending on when you see this. so as the title states, this is what i'd like to ask you all about. i'd love to hear your opinions on this - it is long so just bear with me lol.

Now, the idea. it has been gnawing at me for quite a while and i wanted to share it with you all, hear your thoughts even if it is super laughable and you'll be like "what is she doing?" but i'd like to be transparent, so here it is. As we know, Liliana is an average witch, meaning she doesn't hold any special capabilities like being a seer or a legilimens, but is a bad ass with her wand on its own. however, in this re-write she will hold very different powers, magic by her wand won't be the only thing she is capable of, and it will take her a bit of time to understand how to work through this ability she was born with. yup, born with.

before you freak out (although you may already be) i will NOT be removing characters or their relationships with other characters. Meaning Atlas and Ben will still be in the story (same personalities that we love), but there will be minimal changes in how they form their friendship with the quartet and their own backstories - how the story is told will be different, but not like a scrap to brand new and a completely different plot, just a change in Liliana's abilities.

Liliana and Harry will still have a slow burn relationship, but it'll be a bit different, in terms of when they become friends, and how they see each other in terms of- well hopefully you'll get to see. And Liliana and Hermione are still twins (I COULD NEVER SEPERATE THE GRANGER SISTERS) but Liliana's navigation of the wizarding world and her role in it, will be much much different.

what does this mean for the story right now? well, i'll be updating once a week or as frequently as possible seeing as i start my junior year tmw :/  (it's a rather packed schedule so i'll be pretty busy, but i will do my best to update as much as possible!) however, i WILL be leaving it up for those who'd like to re-read it while i begin the other one (i'd release first year all together, and then continue from there on out), and there WILL be moments from the first write in the second one, just written to fit Liliana's characters abilities and personality at the time. The title may change btw, but the story in its essence will not.

okay, i know i'm awful at explaining things, hence my rambling, but i have been brainstorming so much for this idea and i really love it because it still keeps the true idea of "Together? Always." (all the characters for one) but it will give the main character a bigger role, and in a way, we get to navigate it with her. i find it as an interesting write (story) but you as the readers are my importance, i write not only for myself, but for you as well.

so the important decision at hand, and please don't be shy to share your opinions on this, is left up to you - i will answer all questions and concerns and post them so everyone can see because i know this is a lot, but please let me know your thoughts.

if you do feel upset or confused, or just stupefied at it all, i completely understand. i know i am a super indecisive writer hence the yule ball and ben's original sorting, but i do want to let you all know what's been biting at my mind, because i feel i was bound to tell you one way or another, but it's also fair for me to tell you what i really want to try out instead of just saying "okay guys, this is what's happening and you'll just have to let it unfold before your eyes."

and it pains me, but i would be starting this "Together? Always." again from scratch once more, so ground zero, but i've had a lot of time to dwell on it, and i'd be okay with this happening because putting out ideas i enjoy and getting to write them is the reward i get from it all, as well as all of your reactions and comments that truly inspire and motivate me to continue writing.

so, yeah - if you've read all the way to here, and have left your questions and concerns (which i will listen to with open ears and an open mind) thank you from the bottom of my heart and to the moon and back, it means a lot, truly.

(discontinued) together? always. ; harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now