Chapter 14 - Dialing it up to 13.

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( Interrogation room , Site-54 , Leipzig , Germany - 8:00 PM , Three days after the Dock massacre in Berlin.)

(Third person POV)

Carson was sitting on a chair next to a table , and sitting on a chair on the other side of the table was one of the CI soldier who survived krieg's rampage in Berlin.

Carson: So are you gonna start talking or what ?

The CI soldier looks at him and says.

CI soldier: I fear no man......But that scares me.

Then he started having flashbacks to when kreig punched a hole in one of his comrades chest.

(Few minutes later)

Another CI soldier was brought in the room who also survived the massacre in Berlin. Then Carson asks him.

Carson: Ok so regarding the Docks and purple haze...

The CI soldier cuts his sentence of and says.

CI soldier: NO ! NO ! NO! I ain't talking about that freak , alright......he's not here is he ? Nope I'm outta here.

Then the soldier runs for the door and trys to open it in a panic.

Carson: Can someone restrain him please?

The soldier started having flashbacks to krieg using his axe and cutting one of his comrades head off.

(Few minutes later)

Another CI soldier was brought into the interrogation , but he seemed to be more serious regarding the matter at the Docks. At least that's what Carson thought.

Carson: *sigh*Can you at least give me a better answer then those other two did ? *he said frustrated.*

CI soldier: One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts , lie behind that face of his. What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty?

Then the soldier had a flashback to his comrades being gun downed by kreig who was using m60 machine guns while laughing like a happy trigger maniac.

Carson:.........I don't get paid enough for this shit. *he said deadpanned.*

( Breifing room , Site-19, America - 10:00 AM )

It's been three days since the fight with siren head happened and finding out about the two stands in Europe and Evan Williams who he met during the fight with siren head. Rodeo while handling his PTSD a little bit better , still had to face the flashes now and then. He was still wondering what other STANDS could be out there and whether they were on the good side or bad side , but he'll have to wait and see.

Currently Rodeo and Evan , are in a breifing room with other scientists as well as sitting on chairs and in front of them was a small stage with a podium on it. Evan was sitting next to Rodeo on a chair , and Rodeo was also sitting on a chair next to Evan. Although one chair was on Rodeo's right side which was empty and nobody took a seat on it yet. Also there was a table in the room which had 4 stacks of files on it.

Evan: Why are we here again ?

Rodeo: Amelia told us to come here , just in case the site director talks about any thing important......even if it is related to STANDS as well.

Evan: Ok I see where this is going. But anyways I wanted to ask you something .

Rodeo: What is it ?

Evan: Why do those girls behind us , keep looking at you rather than me ?

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