Chapter 16 - Training & A Friendly Fight.

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(Gym , Site - 19 , America - 9:00 AM)

(Third person POV)

It's been now 2 days since Michelle was found in Russia and was now also under foundation custody as well as Dr. Arnold who was discovered in the Dream world. Things seem to be going fine for the foundation. For now at least.

Currently Rodeo and Evan were in the gym , along with other scientists and MTF agents and guard's who were doing their regular exercise routine in the gym. Although Rodeo and Evan were actually doing one hand push ups , while having a stack of cinder blocks on their backs.

Evan: Again why do we have these things on our back ? *He said while doing his push ups.*

Rodeo: The more stronger our bodies become the better the chance , we can take more hits and it's good for us.*He said while doing his push ups.*

Evan: Well , I'm getting the hang of it.

Rodeo: Same here.

After doing 120 one handed push ups , they stop and drop the cinder blocks from their backs and stand up and stretch their bodies a little bit.

Rodeo: I can't believe we're sweating. Eventhough we don't have any internal organs.

Evan: Yeah........I think not having organs , and not feeling hunger and sleep have their advantages.

Rodeo: Yep......But still we can bleed like any man.

Evan: True.

Rodeo then went for the bench press which had a barbell on it and then lies down on the bench press , while Evan stands next to the bench press and then he asks Rodeo.

Evan: Ok , how much weight do you want me to put on the barbell ?

Rodeo: Put two 100 kilograms on both sides.

Evan nods and attaches the two 100 kilogram weight plates on the left and right side of the the barbell.

Evan: Ok. Your good to go.

Rodeo while lying down on the bench press starts lifting the barbell up and down while Evan keeps watch on him , in case he starts feeling fatigue.

Evan: Looks like you got it.

Meanwhile , Collingwood and Dr. Amelia Buck were observing the two from afar seeing them do their training.

Collingwood: Well , they seem to be doing fine.

Amelia: I'm surprised that they had cinder blocks on their backs. Seem like STANDS are physically stronger than an average human being.

Collingwood: Well , Rodeo did beat the daylight's out of 049 and 953 and Evan did went toe-to-toe with siren head along Rodeo as you mentioned a few days back. Their physically capable of superhuman feats.

Amelia: And combine that with their abilities , they can do a lot of damage against opponents.

Collingwood: did the O5 granted Dr.Arnold a chance in the research division ?

Amelia: Well , Emma had a chat with the O5 and surprisingly they agreed......although they still weren't happy with the him neutralizing SCP-2571........but Dr. Arnold's research data turned out to be very promising for the foundation. So they will let that incident slide , for now at least.

Collingwood: Well , that's how's green doing?

Amelia: *sigh* He went on a mission with Lawrence , to Greenland.

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