Explanations regarding my Story. (Important)

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Hello my dear followers and readers. Good day to you all. This is not a chapter but it's important because I know some of you are confused related to some thing's related to my story. So I'll explain it to you.

Human's who have become a STAND :
These are human's or animal's who got helmet's or item's of they're favourite STAND from Jojo. When they wear it they will become a STAND and when they do they can no longer eat or sleep at all . One such example is Rodeo. One more thing about them is that they are vulnerable to attacks from people and STANDS. So the rule regarding STAND'S can only hurt a STAND is broken. But they will be immune to certain anomalous effect , like how Rodeo was able to survive 049 and 053 and this is applicable to all humans who have become a STAND. Also yeah Kreig and Carlos eventhough they never watch Jojo they were still able to get the helmet or item related to the STAND , although Kreig got it by accident due to a certain blue idiot that we love and Carlos just found it. One last thing they can fight STAND users STAND 's like Ride Me to Hell for example and can even see them as well.

STAND users: Now we all know what STAND users are. Pretty much they are either humans or animal's who have STAND's after being hit by a certain golden arrow like Ride Me to Hell's user. They're STAND's are invisible to non STAND users but are visible to human's who have become a STAND like Rodeo or Evan for example or another STAND user and from some SCP's who can see spiritual beings. They're STAND's can be harmed by another STAND user or Human's who have become a STAND like Rodeo and from certain SCP's as well.

Now that is clear. Let's get to the arrows. Now we all know there are six in total. Now one is with the serpent's hand , while the other is with the knight. So two have been found while other four are still out there which I will reveal later in future chapters. Also the arrows which have a special beetle design to it , well I won't reveal them anytime soon but I will.

Now to human's who have become a STAND like Rodeo for example , the arrow will not give him a STAND but might upgrade his ability or give a new ability or better yet might kill him if deemed unworthy by the arrow. But to human's it will give them a STAND or kill them if deemed unworthy since it's arrow rule 101. Also the arrows with the special beetle......well you know very well what might happen.

Also regarding Rodeo's explosive fist and Miguel's shadow weapon and Arnold's dream walker ability , they didn't get those due to the arrows. They just achieved them by themselves.

I hope this clears some of your doubts.

Also thank you for 5k reads on my story. I really appreciate it and thanks for supporting me. You guys are awesome 😊. Stay safe out there and I'll see you in the next chapter.

A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation (Jojo x SCP) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt