Chapter 23.5 - Shifting Wind's .

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(Ward P , Infirmary , Site-19 - 1:55 AM)

(Third person POV)

It's only been some time since Spy's gang were captured. The infirmary was still treating every foundation staff who were injured by Albert's Fade away ability. Some had minor injuries while some had more severe one's. But in ward P , Lawrence was still on lying on the bed in a comatose state until suddenly he grunts and slowly opened his eyes and looked left and right and noticed the ward room had more patients then before and he saw some MTF soldier's and Scp Guard's sitting on the floor with bandages on their faces , arm's or legs.

Lawrence: Looks like something big happened.

(A/N: 😑 Yeah.......big. )

Lawrence looked around and spots a familiar face or should I say a familiar helmet with two green dots on it. It was Carson who was sitting on the floor and putting a bandage around his knee......the same knee which the Spy shot with his Ambassador.

Lawrence: Hey , Carson !

Carson heard the sound and he saw Lawrence was awake. Carson finished putting up the bandage and approached him and says.

Carson: Lawrence my man. Back from the dead.

Lawrence: I wasn't dead. I was in a.....long sleep. But anyways what happened ? Why are there so many patients around and what happened to your knee ?

Carson: Let me explain.

(One long explanation later)

Lawrence was just dumbfounded at what he was hearing from Carson.

Lawrence: And all of this happened a while ago while I was in a coma ?!

Carson: Yeeeeah.......But we won and have spy's gang in our custody and the STAND arrow as well. So basically this is progress.

Lawrence: Yeah. Progress.......How bad are Rodeo's injuries ?

Carson: Given that his old wounds reopened and he got shot in mutiple area's of his body and a slash mark on his's really bad. But he's ok.

Lawrence:Well that's good to hear.

Carson: Soooooo........want me to call Collingwood to check on you ? I'm pretty sure she will happy seeing that her true love is awake. *he said sarcastically.*

Lawrence: Ha. Ha. Very funny Carson......but yeah please do.

Carson: Ooook. I'll be right back.

Then Carson leaves the room.

Lawrence: Kid , you really like pushing yourself for friends don't you ? *he thought.*

Lawrence was glad that Rodeo along with the other human's who have become a STAND succeeded in taking out Spy's gang.......But still hearing Rodeo suffer such injuries and that the entire site almost got teared apart by a STAND user's ability and that all of this happened while he was still in a coma.......was still shocking. He thought if he was there , the tides could have changed and he could have saved Rodeo and the other's from getting hurt. He just felt......he could have done something but due to his coma he couldn't. He felt regret.

Lawrence: Please Rodeo just get better soon.

(Ward A , Infirmary , Site-19 - 1:57 AM)

Rodeo was lying on a bed still covered in bandages and his face was also still covered in bandages. Amelia and Green left a few minutes to check on the other's so he was by himself for now. He then heard the door open and asks.

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