Chapter 29 - Operation Snow Breaker.

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(In a town , Somewhere on a grassy hill side , Spain , Europe - 11:00 PM )

(Third person POV)

In the grassy hillsides of Spain , lies a town with normal houses made of wood and brick , a factory which is not anomalous , a few small buildings , stores and cars here and there.....but the town was empty and quiet. Too quiet in fact that the only sounds being there were that of the wind and the creaking of opens doors being moved by the wind. The town went dark some days back and this caught the location of the some the local investigators from other towns who went to investigate there but they never came back.

This caught the attention of the SCP foundation. Speaking of the foundation....

(50 meters away from the town)

A group of 7 individuals wearing high tech armor and holding M16 carbine rifles and gallock pistols with silencer barrels and holographic sights. Their armor had a matte grey and black camouflage to make them blend in the shadows since it was night time. Their armors left and right side shoulder pads had Scp foundations logo and the logo of Mobile Task Force , Omega-141 aka "Queen's Requiem".

These 7 individuals were Nikolai the one who has become The Hand , Miguel the one who has become Black Sabbath , Michelle the one who has become Spice girl , Jacob the one who has become King Crimson , Agent Thomas Green with his stand Cerberus , Robert the one who has become Crazy Diamond and finally......the leader of Queen's Requiem , Rodeo the one who has become Killer Queen.

They were currently hiding behind some trees and bushes and overlooking the town from a small cliffside with the binocular zoom in and out feature of their helmets lens.

Nikolai: Town is dead quiet , comrade Rodeo. I highly doubt there any survivors.

Rodeo:........I know. *radios to command* This is Rodeo to command. Requesting permission to enter the town for investigation and recovery or destruction of the anomaly or entity causing this. Over ? *he said and asked in a serious but commanding tone.*

Command*through radio*: Copy that , Rodeo....... Yes you are given full green light for mission. Good luck out there , Queen's Requiem. Over and out.

Then the radio call ends and then Rodeo says to his team members.

Rodeo: Queen's Requiem......Going dark.

Then they pressed a button on their helmets activating the night vision mode on it and making their helmet lens glow light green at least from their first person perspective.

(A/N: The night vision sound effect is the same has that of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Just letting you know.)

(Few minutes later)

The team approach the town quickly but quietly with Rodeo taking the lead and his team following close behind but looking left and right with their rifles in case they get ambushed or if someone was spying on them.

Green: What do you think might have caused them to really disappear ?

Jacob: One, SCP's. Two , STAND users or a human who has become a STAND. Three , all of the bloody above together wrapped together in a neat little present and ready to burst out of it and surprise us like it's our damn birthday. *he said sarcastically but quietly.*

Rodeo: Cut the chatter and focus Jacob.

Jacob: Mate I'm just...

Rodeo: Do you want a repeat of what happened to you due to certain little D4C incident ?

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