Part 19

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I stayed in my room for a good amount of time, gradually depleting my coffee supply. He either forgot or has something planned. Sighing, I rolled off the bed at the sound of dinner being ready.

"Hey Marinette" Damian picked up the pace to catch up with me. "Hi Damiiii!!" I smiled as he eyed the empty coffee maker in my hands. "I don't know how you can Drake can drink so much of that stuff." He tsked.

"It's good!"

"It's bitter."

"You're bitter."

"And you're not wrong."

As we approached the dinning room, I ducked behind Damian and peeked out through between his legs.

"What are you doing" I could hear the question in his voice. "I'm playing pac-man."

He rolled his eyes and walk, well at least tried. I was still gripping onto his legs. "Can you let go?"

"Walk slowly!" I hissed, he groaned but obliged. All eyes turned to us at Damian shuffling, it was almost like he was waddling in a way.

"Marinette, don't be silly, come here." Bruce instructed. I sighed for the second time this evening and went to my seat.

Playing with my food, I occasionally looked up, silently begging Bruce to not say anything. He either did it on purpose or just flat out needs more training because he started to bring up Lila.

"So you all know Marinette's class?"

They nodded

"Well I had a little run in with them today, and let me just say I'm not impressed. Do you know what they called her?"

Everyone continued to stare at him expectantly, but I just wanted the chair to swallow me.

"They called my daughter a 'Bitch'"

Gasps were heard as all eyes shot to me with murderous intent. "It's okay! Umm I have to go." I stuttered.

Before I could run away from these lunatic people that I call my family, Damian, who I sat next to, grabbed my wrist to stop me from going anywhere.

"Tell us what's going on Marinette." Jason demanded, as I continued to struggle against the hold of my older brother.

"It's nothing!" I cried, still squirming, now even more frantic.

"Let her go Master Damian." Alfred said, and as soon as his arms loosened, I bolted to my room.

I knew it was almost time for their patrol. Being Ladybug right now would be great.


"Tikki spots on!" I exclaimed, at the familiar spandex suit enclosed every inch of my skin, except the face.

Silently, I clicked the window open and hopped through the yard, finally making it onto the Gotham streets. Well roofs I guess.

My feet dangled from high above as I continued to breath the somehow refreshing polluted air. Not long after, a harsh kick was delivered to my back, almost knocking me off the ledge.

Steadying myself, I turned around, ready to beat the person who kicked me. It was Red Hood.

"Yo kid, you can't play dress up on the balcony, get down." Knowing Jason he actually really wants to push me off this building.

"No thanks, and I'm not playing dress up. I could take you down like that." I snapped my fingers. Jason, or Red Hood growled,

"Look little girl," Compared to him I was smaller, but it's not my fault he's a giant. "You don't want to mess with me okay?"

Giggling, I poked his arm pit, making his arms press closer to his side.

Poor thing, didn't know that being his sister and all told me things about him. Like where Jason was ticklish.

"What was that for?" Red Hood whined before clearing his throat and saying it in a deeper voice. Smiling, I leaped away, bounding atop the tall buildings once again.

Looking back, it seemed like he was contacting the others. This will get dangerous if they continue to tail me.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the bright red, yellow, and green suit that belonged to the one and only Robin.

This is where the line had to be drawn.

"Time to go." I whispered drawing out my yo-yo and swinging over a few buildings, leaving the boys to catch up.

Carefully, I slipped into the Wayne property, hoping no one saw me. Thankfully, luck was on my side.

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