Chapter 29

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I went through the portal as the "other" me rode on Trixx.

"What should I do first!" The sly fox called, looking around in wonder. Keeping him in control was going to be harder than I thought. "Fly around the corner, we'll try and search for the source." Pointing in the direction of where those things were coming from.

I rode on Trixx's head. Snuggled right in between his bright orange ears. We stealthily snuck passed, following the line. It was like Black Friday.

There was another corner a few minutes down, and a creepy one at that. There were cobwebs everywhere, the street lamps flickered on and off, and little critters that chattered along the walls. Though, it wasn't hard to find a big fat metal dome shaped robot with a red ruby right on top of it. The goons crawled out of that thing.

"Trixx! Go over to the side! Be careful."

I stared at it, but my suspicions were close. It had to be an amok! My first thought was that it might be an akuma but obviously since I'm dealing with one in Paris right now it can only be Mayura's doing. Why is she here, does that mean Hawkmoth is here also? It's possible to send your feathers and butterflies elsewhere but where does that leave the actual holder? Here or Paris?

Every possible and impossible answers circled through my mind.

But not everything was bad, this meant there would be more people helping other than just Chat and I. The Gotham Vigilantes would get involved! Which included my family...but that wasn't important right now.

"Turns out we need Ladybug here too."

Trixx looked confused, I guess he hadn't figured it out yet. "That's an Amok!"

"We've got to warn everyone!" He cried, floating around in every direction. I gently tugged on his fur. "Calm down Trixx! Please! I don't know why it's here or what it wants. We have to deal with his but for now please make an illusion of Ladybird going back. Once the Ladybug version of me is here I'll deal with this one."

We followed "Ladybird" back to the former alleyway which I could see was taxing on them. They shot questions about the villain but she didn't say anything. I glared at Trixx, as a sign of him to get speaking. "What should I say?" He shrugged his tiny hands.

My eyes were quickly drawn back to the illusion because that just came out of her mouth as well as Trixx. "Be careful I hushed. I think we need a change of plans. Tell them about the amok, but leave out the details for ladybug and the Hawkmoth."

He quickly nodded and began speaking. Watching closely, I tried to look at the facial expressions of Red Hood, but then remembered his stupid helmet. I have to get him to change that at some point. Chloe was a little surprised as she must have figured out it was indeed an Amok or Akuma of some sort.

"Red Hood we have to get to the source. This is serious." Chloe didn't give him even a second to respond before stringing him along with her. "But one of us should stay back! So they don't get into the city!"

"I don't know if you've noticed but they've only been coming into this general area instead of spreading out, so they're just after us Mr. Detective." She rolled her eyes.

"This is why Red Robin and Batman do all the detective work, not me. I do the Bam Bam." Red Hood formed a gun with his thumb and index finger, mimicking the motions of firing a gun.

"I'm gonna Bam Bam your head if you don't start using it!" The fake me exclaimed and I hid a laugh behind my hand.

They landed and laid eyes upon the victim. "What is this? Some kinda robot?"

It didn't respond and Red Hood crept up, and kicked the oversized tin. He ended up holding his foot and hissing in pain. "Does it speak?" Chloe asked Ladybird.

"No it hasn't said anything, weird." Illusion me looked around, but a ringing in my ear startled me.

The com link, I still have it.

"Hello?" I shakily answered before coughing and steadying my voice.

"How are things on your end?" The deep gravely voice of Batman was here.

"Good! Great even! Just ran into some trouble but Red Hood's taking care of it, I'm just doing crowd control." I lied smoothly, shouting some things to the invisible crowd that would be believable.

"Do you need assistance?"

"No! No assistance needed! Everything is under control, we'll just be back a little later than everyone." I ended it and started feeling Ladymare come back to Gotham. Cheering, Trixx also smiled coming up with another excuse to leave with the promise of being back shortly.

"Okay who are you?" Red Hood exclaimed as I came back as Ladymare. Forgot he didn't know. "This is Paris' heroine." Chloe explained, pushing Hood back. "Just let her do her thing. This happens on a daily basis."

Tikki is still tired from the previous battle even though she was fed.

I shot the yo-yo but there wasn't even a dent, it just bounced right off. I hit it with a barrage of attacks one right after another, but the only thing that happened was more soldiers were spawned.

Where can I attack for the best results?

The red crystal! Of course, right where the soldiers are coming from. That was my next target, but I couldn't see any actual damage.

Suddenly, there was a small flash of light that indicated there was in fact a crack caught by the glistening of the moon.

"Lucky Charm!" I called, a mini black and red spotted trampoline landed in front of me. I glanced around and the roof caught by eye. It was clear what needed to be done.

Lugging the trampoline onto the roof with just a yo-yo was probably the hardest part. At least it was magic.

When it was up there, I positioned it right above and began to jump to gain height. "Here we go!"

Soaring down the building, gaze locking onto only red, nothing else. With all the strength I could muster, I let the yo-yo down as hard as I could, shattering the crystal.

Since I was still in the air, the feather was caught by my yo-yo and purified all before I landed.

"Bye bye little feather!"

"Who are you?" A voice came from behind me. It was Red Hood. Of course he wanted answers.

"Just remember the name Ladybug!" I winked and got out of there via yo-yo.

"You know that bug?"

"Well of course I do Red Hood. She is a hero."


I needed to return these miraculous back to Master Fu so I told Jason on the Coms to go back to the bat-cave.

Little did I know that he had a big mouth and blabbed about everything! Even about the fact that there were building bouncing around!

The gaze of Batman was terrifying. "You said there were no problems Ladybird. Yet you've yet to tell me there was some sort of new villain and the fact there was another vigilante!"

"Actually she's a hero!" I meekly pointed out but regretted it soon after.

"I couldn't care less about what she is. This is our city and we don't need her." Batman walked over to the monitors and played everything that happened in the alleyways.

I should have taken care of the cameras!

"You're wrong." I stated, taking my eyes off the floor.

"Excuse me?" He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

There were protests from my brothers, telling me to stop and apologize but they weren't going to be okay if Mayura or Hawkmoth has decided to target this city.

They will need me.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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