Chapter 12

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||HELLOOOOOOOOOO!Thank you for 10k! That's so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!||

Today was the day. The day Marinette would get on that plane. Being stuck in a metal tube with a bunch of idiots wasn't really her style, but she did get first class seats from her dad. Chloe's father also gave her first class seats.

She hauled her luggage down the countless flights of stairs. Her parents knew she would be in good hands with Bruce, so they didn't worry, but she went to say goodbye to them real quick anyways.

Tikki was packed away in a small space in her backpack. Marinette had designed it just for Tikki, also making sure there were plenty of scrumptious sweets within the kwamii's reach.

Mari pulled her luggage towards school. There were many people there waiting for the bus to arrive.

Her eyes landed on a certain blonde.

Chloe was tossing a small carry on, who Marinette didn't know the name of because Chloe would always address him by a different name every time.

"Hi Mare-bear!" Chloe exclaimed, tossing her arms around the bluenette. "Hey Chloe." Marinette hugged her friend back until someone got their attention.

"Okay kids! Let's get onto the bus. Please line up with the person you want to be seated with!" Miss Bustier clapped her hands to get everyone's attention despite her loud voice.

*Time skip* (I'm sorry!)

The plane started to land, while Marinette thought about all the things that happened before. "I still can't believe Lila and Alya tried to take our seats." Chloe laughed as she took off her sleeping mask. "Yeah! Thank goodness that flight attendant knew how to do her job."

Chloe and Marinette ignored the glares they received from their classmates at luggage pick up. The two chatted on their way out. Mari then caught sight of Alfred. She did her best to not run up to him.

"I still can't believe you're leaving me with these idiots." Chloe whined, knowing that Mari was going to stay at the Wayne manor. "I'm sorry Chloe! Forgive me?" "We'll see."

Marinette chuckled and waved goodbye before walking over to Alfred. "Hello Miss Marinette." "Hi Alfred. It's been a while!" "I agree. The boys are very excited for your arrival." Alfred said, holding open the limo door.

After 20 minutes the all familiar Manor was in sight. She smiled, happy to be able to see her family again after everything that was happening in her life. Maybe this was something she needed.

There were 4 boys, or1 boys and 3 men, standing out there. She laughed a little at their impatience.

The car came to a halt and before her foot could even come in contact with the concrete, she was lifted up into the air by the Jason Todd. "Pixie-pop! You're still as short as ever." He ruffled her midnight blue hair. "Hey!" She swatted his big hand "This Pixie can still beat you!" She exclaimed. "Yeah sure you could." Jason responded with a playful eyeroll.

"Stop hogging Mari!" Dick also started to shower her in attention as well as Tim.

Damian just stood there, arms crossed, foot tapping, waiting for his turn so he wouldn't have to share with the so called imbeciles.

"Well I better start getting unpacked."

Damian's eyes widened, thinking Marinette forgot about him. He cleared his throat, but Mari pretended not to hear. He did it again, same reaction. Damian soon broke out in a full fake coughing fit. It caused the girl to shake her head, smile playing at her lips. "I didn't forget about you." She tackled him and a small smile rested on the boy's face.

"Where's Dad?" She asked looking around, Dick and Jason was bringing her luggage. "He'll be back later tonight." "Oh okay! What should we do in the meantime?"

"Let's go on the trapeze!" Dick suggested. "No! Let's spar! Since you're so confident you can win." Jason chimed in, but Tim also had an idea. "I have been saving up some brain games for when you visited again. Let's do those!" "I want to make cookies with you!"

Mari thought for a minute. "I'll go on the trapeze with Dick first, we can spar after, and make cookies after dinner. Then before we go to bed we can try out some of those brain games Tim." Everyone was happy with the schedule. "Come on!" Dick grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the room they spent so much time together in.

"I'm going to go see if we have everything we need to make cookies." Damian walked to the kitchen, while everyone went to do their thing before getting to spend time with their little sister.

||Yeah, that's it! Bai! ily all so much!||


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