Chapter 8

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||Hai! Happy October! I'm finally updating this! XD! Oki enjoy!||

A knock at her bedroom door uncurled her from the ball. "Who is it?" Marinette's shaky voice asked. "It's Dick." 

The door open revealing a puffy eyed Marinette. "Hey are you okay?" Dick asked engulfing her in a hug. "Yeah." "Now that's a lie. I know my little sister." he ruffled her already disheveled hair. They hugged in silence, just enjoying each other's embrace.

"Why doesn't Damian like me?" she asked inching closer in her brother's arms. "He doesn't like anyone. He is always cold to everyone. Same with me and the rest of the boys. Even with Alfred!" "Who doesn't like Alfred?" "Beats me." "Thanks Dick." "What are big brother's for? Also enjoy your time with us and don't be sad! Who know when you'll see us again!" This sentence reminded Mari of her thought before.

"Hey Dickie?" "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" "Shoot." "Why did dad send me away?" 

Dick froze. What was he supposed to say? Oh umm your family is the batfamily and that's why we shipped you off to Paris. Yeah that's not gonna work. "Uhh well you see...that's a question for Bruce." "Why don't you just tell me?" Her big blue eyes peered into his. "Look Mari I can't okay?" He started rubbing circles into her back, but they weren't comforting at all. 

"Is it because daddy is Batman?" She turned her head up again to look at his shocked face. "Is that why he sent me away? Because of him being Batman?" Dick saw no way out. She already knew! "When did you find out?" "I've known since I was living here before. Before you guys sent me to Paris." "I can't believe it!" "Answer my question Dick." "Yes it was because of that. We didn't want you to get hurt since the crime rate went up." "You could have told me ya know?" "Well you could have said you knew!" Mari shrugged. "This is a conversation you need to have with Bruce. Not me. I'll get him." He got up and walked out the door.

After about 10 minutes Bruce walked in, eyes softening at the sight of his sad daughter. "Sweetheart. Dick said you knew." He sat down beside her. "I figured it out since before you gave me to Sabine. Then dropped all contact with me." 

Bruce knew they would talk about this one day. He should have been more prepared. "I'm sorry Marinette. It was wrong of me. I just wanted to keep you safe. I thought it was the best way. I never forgot you. I love you." 

Before he knew it Marinette launched herself at him. "It's okay. I forgive you." He wrapped his muscular arms around the tiny girl's body holding her. Bruce was never one to show much emotion but there was something about Marinette he couldn't help but go soft for. I mean she was his princess. Bruce was so happy to have her little girl back.

"I have to get back to my paperwork. See you later." He pressed a light kiss to her forehead before leaving. 

Marinette calmed down a bit before exiting her bedroom. She was met a emerald eyes staring at...wait no! GLARING at her! 

"Look I don't know why you're here, but I don't like you okay? You are no sister of mines so don't waltz in here like you own the place. I'm the heir not you. Got it Brat?" He snarled, the tone of voice made Marinette shrink into herself. 

Luckily for her Jason was passing by. "Demon Spawn stop being mean to Pixie-Pop!" "Tt. I don't take orders from you Todd." He turned on his heel to walk away but not before sending them a glare.

"Pixie! Let's go umm play It came out as more of a question, but the terrified girl didn't notice. "Okay Jay!"

Jason squat down and she climbed onto his back for a piggy back ride. Just like old times. "Thanks Red Hood!" (She researched the new vigilantes on her dad's teams before coming back)

"W-What?" "I know Jay!" "Does Bruce know you know?" "Yea! We talked about it earlier, but I've known since I moved in! Y'all weren't exactly discreet about it ya know?" She giggled. "Let's just go and play a game." "You never said what game we were playing!" "I'm still figuring that out." 

*Time Skip*

Everyone had just finished dinner and now they all gathered in the living room. Tim wanted to get to know Marinette better. And he had the past few days but this was is new sister he was talking about! You could never know enough about your own sister. "Hey Jason! You said Mari had been living here since before you?" 

"Yeah Timbo!" "Was she a daddy's girl?" "Such a daddy's girl!" "So her favorite word was dada?" "Umm not exactly." 

"OOO! I remember!" Dick cut in, and everyone's eye's were on him. 


Jason was walking into the bedroom to get Marinette since Alfred had asked. "Hey Pixie-Pop!" He called as he opened the door. "SHIT!" one of her toys fell off the table. He had bumped into it. Mari just glanced up at him. 

She could already say words a bit, but Dick, Alfred, and Bruce tried extra hard not to expose her to bad words. 

"sshh" She began. "No! You can't say that!" Jason clasped a hand over her mouth. She tore it off since it didn't have enough force to hurt her. "Why you say it den?" She tilted her head. "Because I knocked something over and Jay was really upset." He tried to explain while putting the toy back on the table. "Otay!" 

He breathed a sigh of relief. Marinette reached for the toy Jason had dropped. She dangled it in the air for a few seconds before letting go then saying "Shit!" Much to the boy's dismay her eyes lit up. "Pixie.." His palm made contact with his forehead. 

The little girl kept picking up and dropping the toy repeating the word.

-Flashback Ends-

Dick laughed at the memory. Tim followed along with Jason. Marinette also laughed. "Tt. Leave it to Todd to poison a child's mind." 

"What are you guys talking about?" Bruce walked into the living room then taking a seat on the couch. "Just Mari's favorite word when she was younger." "Oh right that." He held himself back from chuckling. "I got in so much trouble." Jason sighed while Marinette hopped into her father's lap. 

"I've brought some refreshments" Alfred walking in balancing a tray full of goodies on each hand. 

||Thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked it! Have the best day ever!||


Disclaimer: It had recently been brought to my attention by @wafflesfigwa that the flashback part was actually from someone on tik tok! I had no idea! So umm yeah. Credits to kallmekris then! I'm so sorry!

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