Chapter 6

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||HAI PEOPLE! What's up! thank you all for over 900 views! You are all wonderful! OKI ONTO DA CHAP-stick||(Let's just pretend Damian isn't a vegetarian!)

"Boys we have a special guest coming to the manor tomorrow. I'm going to need you all on your best behavior." Bruce announced at dinner. Dick look up while Jason stopped flinging peas at Tim who was trying to come up with a way to catapult his chicken bones. "Who is this guest you speak of father?" Damian raised an eyebrow. "You will find out tomorrow. She will be staying for a week." "So it's a she?" Dick scooped up some rice with his spoon. "Ugh! Don't tell me it's another woman you hooked up. The 'might be our mommy' list is getting pretty full." Jason snickered. Bruce shot him a glare. "It shouldn't even be a thing." "Well let's see we have Sel-" Jason was cut off by Tim who got his catapult working!

*With Marinette*
She was nervous. Tomorrow she would go to Gotham by a private plane! That was exciting, but seeing her dad again was nerve wracking. "Marinette if you want to have the energy you have to go to sleep sweetheart!" Sabine came in. "I'm scared mama. What if he doesn't like me?" "He has four kids. One more won't hurt. Plus he already loves you. You spent the first years of your life with him." Sabine motioned for her to get into her bed. Marinette grabbed the plushie from Jason. She grabbed that and got into bed. With a goodnight the girl was off to dream land. 

Marinette woke up! Today was the day! Today was going to Gotham again! To see her brothers, and now apparently 2 more! She ran downstairs because the smell of bacon and eggs lured her down. "Hi honey! You're up! Eat quick! I'll take you to the airport!" Marinette nodded and scarfed down her breakfast having to hit her chest a bit to prevent choking. 

After 3 hours Marinette was at the airport. Sabine walked her to the gate where the private airplane was. She was playing with her backpack string rolling it up then unrolling it. Sabine gave her a box of pastries for the flight to eat. "You can make yourself more cookies or macaroons when you are there. I know you can't go long without them." Sabine kissed her forehead. "Bye mama! I'll miss you!" Marinette turned around and waved as a flight attendant escorted her to her seat from the gates.

Now a 10 year old girl was on an 8 hour flight to another country!


8 passed and she was super tired. "Sweetie you are here in Gotham! Let's get you off the plane and to Mr. Wayne alright?" Marinette yawned the nodded. The flight attendant took her hand them guided her off the plane. Walking her to the pick up area she saw a familiar face. "Over there!" The lady followed her instructions and walked her over. "Thank you miss!" "No problem sweetheart! Are you here to pick up a Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" "Yes. Thank you." "Not a problem!" 

As soon as the lady was gone Marinette hugged Alfred. "Grandpa Alfie! I missed you!" "I missed you too Marinette! Let's get in the vehicle so we can head off to the manor." Alfred opened the door and Marinette hopped in with the biggest smile on her face.

||Thank you for reading this! Feel free to comment anything! ily! Stay safe! Bai!||


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