Chapter 20

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I quickly climbed into bed, as footsteps began to grow louder. Playing dead like a puppy, Alfred opened my door, probably peering in to check on me.

When the door shut, I abruptly sat up, and washed my face in the bathroom that was conveniently connected to my bedroom.

**Next Morning**

I woke up pretty late today, but it's okay since I'll be staying with my family today. Most of the times I won't really be going with them on the tour since I've been almost everywhere on the itinerary.

"Good morning," I hummed to 5 men sitting at the dinner table. A chorus of greetings replied back. I don't think Dad wanted to deal with my bullshit this morning, so he didn't bring up the topic, which I'm really thankful for. The longer I can drag this out the better, maybe I'll need to start a script.

"How did you sleep Freckles." Jason asked in between bites of his eggs. "Freckles?" I question the new nickname. "Because you have freckles!"

"He just saw that on a movie," Tim rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I'll call you Old Man, since you have white hair." I giggled as he protested. "This is bullying." He sighed in mock frustration. "Damian?" I grinned at him.

"Angel, I'll maim him for you."

"No one in this family loves me." Jason groaned.


I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies after breakfast, the idea was mainly for Tikki, but my brothers will probably want some.

Setting the pan into the oven, I went to wipe the chocolate off my fingers, but somebody grabbed my wrist. I saw Dick's face as he licked the chocolate off my fingers. The slimy feeling of his tongue made me squeal. "Stop it!" Pulling my hand back, I scrubbed them harshly under the sink water.

Dick just smirked and left.

Soon after, they were munching on some fresh baked treats.

"You never disappoint Freckles!" Jason said.

"I would never Old Man."

Taking some cookies up to my room, I decided to design something in my free time. Maybe a jacket? For Jason! That's a good idea. He could use a new leather jacket, but I'll make it Red, with secret pockets! Okay that's what I'll do, but who can take me for supplies?

Dick has work, Jason would know about the surprise, and Damian can drive, but that's illegal. That just leaves...Timmy!

I quickly ran downstairs and back into the kitchen, throwing whatever liquid I could into a big cup.

"Oh Timmyyyy!" I called as I opened the door to his room. It was no surprise when I saw the computer screen illuminating his face in a dark lit room.

"What is it?" His eyes still fixed onto the screen.

"I brought you a nice hot cup"

Passing him the mug, he glanced at it before looking at me again.

"It's cold."

"A nice cup of coffee."

He brought the black liquid to his lips, slowly taking a sip.

"This so gross!"

"A cup of coffee." I rephrased once more.

"This isn't even coffee!"

"A cup of black liquid."

Tim cautiously took another small sip. "What even is this?"

I shrugged and took the cup from him, also taking a sip. Lightly smacking my lips together, I realized what it was.

"Oh! This is the milk Jason put food coloring in to prank y'all tomorrow morning. Definitely not one of his best works." I mused, "But I need you to take me to the fabric store."

"What for?"

Oh right, my Gotham family didn't know I liked to design. "For stuff, can you just take me? No one else can!" I whined.

"Fine," Tim caved, "But you better give me 10 cups of coffee."



"Deal." I agreed.

Tim grabbed the keys and led me down to the car he owned. We strapped in and he drove to the nearest fabric store.

When we got there, racks of fabrics and thread pulled me in. It was like a candy store. I giggled and pulled different cuts of patterns into my hands. "I need this one, this one, and this one!" I muttered to myself. By the end I had 10 different rolls in my arms, including the leather I needed.

"Here can I get these?" I asked the store clerk. "Of course, what length should I cut them too Dear?" The old lady smiled at me as I instructed her on the lengths needed.

Tim just stood on the corner, looking bored and tired. Before paying, I quickly grabbed some solid color threads and needles.

He helped me throw some of the bags into the trunk.

"Now coffee." He demanded, causing me to sigh, "Let's go I guess."

Marinette Cheng-WayneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ