Chapter Six

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"I AM YOUR STUDENT'S, MR. YOSHIDA'S, PERSONAL ASSISTANT." The man said as he reached out his hand to Julia to handshake. "My name is Shimizu Yuu." 

He had dark hair, shiny as the midnight galaxy, which was styled fashionably, with his handsome face. He smiled at Julia with the most radiant smile in his closet of smiles. 

'Hah? The Male lead's personal assistant?' Julia couldn't believe her eyes and blinked twice. Exactly why did the Male lead's personal assistant come to visit her? 

Did she create some trouble..? 

Julia's mind was in dramas that she had watched. Don't tell her that this man was going to slap her with cash like in the movies and say: "Stay away from our Young master! You are a terrible teacher!" 

Julia shook her head. They wouldn't... right? 

"Ah, hello, Mr. Shimizu," Julia said as she took the man's hand and shook it. He smiled and said: "It would not be appropriate if we didn't sit down somewhere and talk right?" 

"W-well, yes." Julia raised her eyes, completely suspicious. Her mind was ringing warnings inside her head. Recollections of what happened in the movies were showing up in her mind. "W-what is it that you want to discuss?" 

"Oh, just about the Young Master of the Yoshida family, Mr. Yoshida Toshiro," Shimizu-san said with a smile. "You must have known that Mr. Yoshida was studying in England all of his life and suddenly had to return to Japan, correct? So, I need to discuss a few things with you, as you are his homeroom teacher, and I am his Personal Assistant." 

'What? Are you saying that I need to do extra tutoring on him or something?' Julia's mind wavered. 

"Oh... well there is a cafe not very far from here. Just two blocks from here, and then we can talk." Julia got the hint to which Shimizu Yuu smile's broadened. "Thank you for understanding, Miss Julia." 


They stopped by a nearby small cafe in the school's neighborhood. Students from Paradise Academy would flock here sometimes, but it was too late for anyone to be hanging out, so it was perfect for not any scandal to go on. 

Julia lead Shimizu Yuu to a table and ordered a cup of coffee for herself. 

"Thank you for coming here all the way, Miss Julia." He thanked her again. 

'Smooth talker, huh?' 

"Ah, well, you seemed too keen on sharing something about my student soo..." Julia said as she took a sip from the warm coffee. 

"Of course, as you can see, this is Mr. Yoshida's first time in Japan, so he is quite shy about asking questions or asking for anything. I will have to trouble you to help Mr. Yoshida when he is struggling." He said.

"Well, it is my duty as a teacher to look out for my students, so of course, I will do it..." Julia said with a wary smile. 

'Shy? The male lead is shy..? Impossible!' 

"It may look like Mr. Yoshida is a genius, after all, he did study in England, he just might have trouble communicating with his peers around him. He was mostly homeschooled in England or sent to private classes." 

'Are you trying to show off your young master or something..?' 

"O-oh, okay I will definitely look out for him." 

"He was a music genius, he won first place in a national math competition before, he also was one of the Runner ups in an International Chess tournament... " Shimizu Yuu continued with a proud smile on his face as he kept boasting about his young master's achievements. "All to be fitted of the prestigious Yoshida family's honor." 

"...I see," Julia said with an uninterested smile. 

"Did you know that your student, Mr. Nakashima Arima, was also studying beside him in France too? Those two are best friends, you couldn't even tell right?" Shimizu Yuu said as if he made one of the best statements yet. 

'Of course, I know, even if I didn't read the novel, both the Second Male lead and the Male lead walked in together as friends, who wouldn't know?' 

"Also, I heard while looking through the class sheet that Miss Ashikaga Erena from the prestigious Ashikaga family is also attending your class. Please make sure that Mr. Yoshida and Miss Ashikaga get along as well." 

'A wingman for the Male lead and the Villainess, am I correct?' 

"I will..." Julia only sipped away her coffee as she listened out of one ear and the words exited out of the other.

"Here is the curriculum that Young Master Yoshida follows." Shimizu Yuu said as he put a stack of papers into the table and said: "He did this curriculum while being homeschooled. Is it enough, Miss Julia?" 

'Why the hell are you asking me..? Go ask the Principal you dolt, I don't know if he is befitting of the curriculum...' 

"O-of course." Julia's mind and actions both contradicted each other. She looked through the thick stack of papers filled with words that she couldn't even read. Was this even a curriculum for a second-year high school student?

Julia suddenly felt the need to turn into a student and learn everything. 

"So, Miss Julia, is he qualified to be in your class? It's not like I'm bothered or anything because Mr. Yoshida is a genius, after all, it's just..." 

'I don't know if he is qualified, but I certainly knew that the Male lead always ranked first in the school from the novel, soo...'

"W-well... he certainly seems to pass the requirements for my students," Julia said to which Shimizu's face lightened up like the stars in the galaxy. Why do you look like someone had enlightened you..?  

"Of course, that might not be the case for an average student's capabilities. If Mr. Shimizu wants to find out if Yosida-san (the Male lead) is capable, he might need to take the board exams to find out his rankings in the entire country." Julia recited the thing that every parent was concerned about. 

Shimizu-sama nodded professionally as he listened to Julia. "Of course, Mr. Yosida did rank the top ten in the entire country." 

"Oh... I see..." 'Welp, if you knew, why ask me if he is qualified in the first place..?' 

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Miss Okano Julia." Shimizu-sama finally stood up from his seat and then said: "We will be meeting often, so may we kindly exchange numbers?" 

'Hah? Meet often? Whatdoyoumean?' Julia looked stupidly at Shimizu Yuu as if he told her that the earth was flat. 'Do you want to keep the next session filled with the Male lead's achievements again?' 

Uggggh... this life. Was Miss Julia in the novel this pitiful too?

"Umm... well." It would be rude to turn it down. Julia accepted the deal with a reluctant and forced smile on her face to which Shimizu charmed her again with a smile. 

"Thank you again for lending ears, Miss Julia." He smiled, "For today, I'll pay the tab as I've kept you waiting." He pulled out a black premium credit card from his designer-looking wallet and happily swiped. 

"Should I drop you off?" He requested with a charming smile. 

"N- no. My place is nearby," Julia politely lied and walked away. There is no way in hell she would tell her address to a random stranger. What if he turned her into a venting buddy to which he came to find her every day and ranted his troubles out? 

Shimizu smiled again and said: "It was nice meeting you, Miss Okano Julia, you are as the rumors say, quite intelligent and beautiful. Have a nice day." He went inside his car and then drove away. 

'Why is the first day so harddddd as the Homeroom teacher?' 



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