Chapter Twenty Five

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FINALLY, THE HEARTIEST TIMES OF THE SCHOOL YEAR HAS ARRIVED: Valentines Day. A lucky day for couples to head out and be blessed with luck and have a lifetime of fulfilling romance.

But Julia herself did not enjoy Valentine's day, as she realized she was living a monochromatic life while the others around her were quite vibrant with energy.

She sometimes wondered where the people get such energy from? Did Romance really change people that much?

But it was nice to see how students conducted valentines day. The hallways were filled with students giving in appreciation cards, gratitude tokens, friendship souvenirs, and love letters.

Even chocolate would be left at empty desks so that loners and the empty-handed staff like her could quickly snatch.

'It must be nice to be youthful... Sigh'

"Ugh... children these days... don't they know that overconsumption of chocolates could lead to diabetes-! What are they even teaching nowadays!" The Janitor said as he picked up chocolate wrappers from the floor.

Julia wondered how her classroom of main-casts would be doing on this particular romantic day.


There was a saying: A day could never go too well.

While the rest of the school was having the harmonious and joyful springs of their life– Class 2A was at its worst winter.

Imagine: Coming to school, with a bit of hope that someone might smile or listen to you– only for all of that shit to be ruined by ugly faces of frowns and complaints. Of course, all of these negative emotions were only directed towards Julia. 

"Happy Valentines' day," Julia smiled entering the classroom. "Can't you believe it's that time of the year?"

"Oh my god!" A student shrieked. Julia wrinkled her brows, "what?" 

"Sensei, you must be getting old." 

'You get that logic from wheeere..? Oh, from your tiny a**brain...' Julia smiled and looked away and said: "Anything special for Valentines day?" She looked around to see her empty half-hearted classroom. 


"Anyone?" Julia repeated.



"Like, are we supposed to talking about crushes or something, eww..." 

"This isn't anime Highschool, you know?"

Julia took a deep breath to relieve herself. She just could not. 'This is supposed to be a Romance Novel! A highschool Romance novel with a Delicate Female lead! The lovesick Male leads, and the stingy fangirls with the clingy background characters!' 

The main cast-! Second Male lead, Male lead, and Heroine! What are you doing?! Where is your development? Where is your puppy love?

"Sensei, did you also give chocolates?" Yoshihisa Hanna kindly asked, raising her hands in this tumultuous silence. 

"No, I did not," Julia said. 

"Oh, she is lying, how are you so dumb?" Tsuchiya Mina said to Yoshihisa Hanna. Hanna tilted her face and smiled saying: "You never know." 

"What did you say?!" Tsuchiya Mina said, looking clearly annoyed. She pointed at Yoshihisa Hanna and said: "Just because you scored the top of the entrance exams than the rest of us doesn't mean you get to rule over us!" 

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