Chapter Thirty Seven

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"YOU WILL BOTH RECEIVE DETENTION IF YOU DO NOT EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE HERE," Julia announced as she wrapped her hands around her chest. "Just because there is a substitute teacher doesn't mean you can do whatever you want," 

"M-My apologies Sensei," Yoshihisa Hanna bowed, "we didn't mean to skip the class," 

"We were called in by the Principal and the Chairman to accompany this scene here as witnesses," Igarashi Keith said. 

"Oh," Julia said as she bit her lips, "Is that so?" She sighed loudly when she realized how crazy this entire situation was. "Then it's completely my fault," 

"No, no! It's our fault," Yoshihisa Hanna bowed once more. "I really apologize Sensei for acting out in class yesterday," 

"Our class is also repenting and waiting for your return Sensei," Igarashi said. "We are reflecting on your actions," He then lightly smiled and charmed Julia as he said, "I am sure they are also repenting," 

'Huh? You sure?' 

"Absolutely Sensei! You might doubt us, but we talked with the rest of the class," Yoshihisa Hanna said. 

'I guess Class-2A is much better than the crazy misunderstanding I had to go through with the Cops,' 


But Julia still had no response to that. She was quietly thinking about what was the right action to take of course. As she rubbed her head, she said, "You two..." 

"I'm sorry Sensei, I'm soo sorry. Not even a sorry can say how much I owe you Sensei. I'm sorry. I really apologize Sensei! Please try to understand, I'm extremely sorry. Sorry for everything Sensei. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." Yoshihisa Hanna said bowing a hundred times to Julia.

"I–it's fine Yoshihisa-san. It's not your fault," Julia said, trying to pacify the strange situation.


"I apologize as well, Sensei," Igarashi Keith said as he bowed. "Extremely sorry."

"Sorry." Yoshihisa Hanna said.

"Very Sorry."

"Not-enough-but-trying-to-be-enough Sorry,"

"A hundred times Sorry,"

Ok, this needs to stop.' Julia was rubbing her forehead as she said, "No, no you're fine. You are extremely fine. Just stop saying it."

"A million times Sorry,"

"We-can-try-all-over Sorry,"

'Yo, what's up with this weird apology, are you guys mocking me again?'

"Please-come-back-Sensei, Sorry,"

"We-need-you-Sensei, sorry,"

Julia felt like eradicating the human world wasn't enough for her. 

'Oh my god, you don't sound sorry at all do you?'

'Do you want me to personally deliver you to hell before I listen to another set of drama?!'

Julia had ENOUGH. She already lost her brain cells trying to deal with the Cops, and now THIS.

'Does this world hate me or something?'

This situation isn't helping. She was having a headache and a moment to go back home and cry in her bed.

She was DONE.

"Sorry. Sorry. Sor–"

"IT'S ENOUGH!" Julia yelled at both Igarashi Keith and Yoshihisa Hanna, who stopped reciting their apologies. They both flinched at her annoyed and angered voice, which they have never seen her use before, even when they tried pushing her down the limit. "I don't need any more of your apologies."

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