Chapter Thirteen:

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THE NOVEL STILL HAD ANOTHER MALE LEAD EXCEPT FOR YOSHIDA TOSHIRO AND NAKASHIMA ARIMA, the one and only Student Council President of Paradise Academy, the third male lead, Enomoto Iori. 

Though he was two years older than the rest of the main cast, he was considered the most responsible, dutiful, and passionate leader type of character. Unlike the rest of the snobby male leads, the third male lead, Enomoto Iori, actually was a great student. 

And this year, he was in charge of the Athletic's Meet. 

"Good Afternoon, teachers." Enomoto Iori professionally greeted all the teachers in the staff room and lead the Teacher Meeting this year. "Thank you for coming here and welcoming a student's opportunity to join in a sports event." 

The teachers all praised him. 

"This year, we are holding a competition based on classrooms. If your class is the podium winner of the Athletic's Meet, all the students will be given prizes." Enomoto Iori said. "To prepare for this large event that is going to be watched by parents, broadcasters, and sponsors, every teacher needs to be responsible for every task." 

"Thank you," And finished the meeting. 

"Here you go, Sensei." He would politely hand out worksheets and application forms to the teachers. "Thank you for everything, Sensei." 

Julia remembered the days where her classroom was brutally lost of Enomoto Iori's class. Julia's 2-A was leading in the Athletic's Meet two years ago, but it Enomoto Iori himself who turned the tables on her classroom, making them dead last in the podium. 

But he was the respectful, kind, and dutiful leader of Paradise Academy. Even the Demon Principal had embraced Enomoto Iori as his own son. 

'Ahh, what a brilliant student.' Julia liked the Third Male lead a lot than all of the characters. He was of the responsible type than the other sh*tty characters.

Too bad he wasn't a student in her previous classrooms. 

As Julia was walking through the halls during break time in a joyous and happy mood, she happened to catch something unseemingly unpleasant. 

'Ooof... a love confession...'

"Enomoto-san! I-I l-like you! Please accept my confession!" An older-looking girl was bowing her head down as she gave her love letter to Enomoto Iori. Oh, she must in Enomoto's classroom. 

"I'm afraid I can't accept your confession." Enomoto declined straightforwardly.  

"E-eh?" The older-looking girl looked shocked, but she still hung her head down and stood there embarrassed. 

"We are about to graduate, Uchiyama-san, we are going different ways," Enomoto Iori logically said. 

The older-looking girl bowed and then ran off after he finished saying that. Enomoto Iori sighed and tucked the love letter into his shirt cautiously. 

Unlike the other male lead's who threw away the letters into the trash, Enomoto Iori carefully tucked them in would put these letters somewhere safe because letters were different than email junk load.

Julia sighed in praise. This perfect student who does well in academics, sports, and natural social work was a perfect president of the school. If only he was her student, she would then make his neck adorned with gold medals. 

Enomoto Iori then continued walking around the halls. He was probably doing Hall-Check to make sure nobody was causing trouble around the school like a proper student council president. 

And then, he started walking around the school fields and then headed towards the classrooms which lead to the Storeroom. 

Julia couldn't help but have a dark ominous feeling inside herself as Enomoto Iori kept approaching the Storeroom. 

The Storeroom. The Storeroom.... what was in that storeroom? Julia couldn't remember, and then suddenly before she could yell out for Enomoto to stop, he slid the door open and then said: 

"Students aren't allowed in the Storerooms." 

"H-huh? O-oh, sorry S-senpai..." Yoshihisa Hanna fiddlingly walked out. Behind her was another group of students who were also fiddling behind her. 

'Yoshihisa Hanna was practicing martial arts in the Storeroom!' Julia finally remembered. But it was too late. 

If there was something Enomoto Iori hated, it was troublesome, rule-breaking students. Would it be too late if Julia stepped in for her students? 



Julia was finishing up her things in the Staff Room because Yoshihisa Hanna was the one cleaning up the classrooms for two weeks. As Julia was finishing, the staff room's door opened and one unexpected student walked in. 

Y-Yoshida Toshiro-? The cold, aloof, and indifferent male lead who never bothered talking at all for the past two months? That guy is in the staff room? Julia put her head down and continued working until Yoshida Toshiro kept walking up in front of her desk. 

Nagao Misato tapped and whispered: "Hey, Julia, one of your student are here to talk to you." 

"Eh?" Julia looked up to see Yoshida Toshiro's cold and blank face looking down on her as he said: "I need to talk to you, Sensei."

'Huh? Am I hearing things correctly?' Julia couldn't believe her ears. 'What is going on? The cold, indifferent male lead is taking the initiative to talk to me? Is it a complaint?!' 

Julia wondered whether he was going to throw a glass of water and say: "You are a horrible teacher who can't maintain her class and lets bullies touch my girlfriend (Yoshihisa Hanna), your student!" 

Julia shivered and asked: "Sure, what's up, Yoshida-san." 

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