Chapter Twenty Three

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JULIA COULD BARELY FEEL HER LEGS when she was headed for the Demon's office. Her stiff and radish legs could barely hold her body. As she stumbled to the hall, all of the teachers were murmuring behind her. When she opened the Principal's Office Door, what awaited her was doom. 

The entire Office was now set up like a Court room with Enomoto Iori, the student council president. The Principal, the judge. The Janitor, the accused. Tsuchiya Mina and her gang, the accuser, and the girls from the Locker Incident, the victims. 

'Ah... I think I came in the wrong room, lemme go back and check.' 

Julia was about to take ten steps back until the Principal said: 

"Okano Julia." 

Julia immediately stiffened with the Principal's cold voice, and turned around and quickly said with a salute: "Y-yes, Sir-!"

"Are you aware of what your students have done?!" The Principal roars, "not only have they accused a staff member of crime, they also threatened him! On top of that, they say that you were involved in this? What is this?!"

"W...well.." Julia said fiddling with her hands, 'Did they tattle tail on me?' "...the girls wanted to form a Study Group and a Club, but I didn't know... this would happen." 

"A Club, you say?" The Principal said sneering, "A Criminal Club? What kind of Supervisor are you?! What will your students learn! Have some Discipline, Miss Julia!" 

'Ugh... I don't want to listen to this sh*t again...' Julia cried inwardly as the Principal continued lecturing her. 'Please leave me alone.' 

"S-sorry, sir! I swear this will never happen again!" Julia bowed her head in a ninety degree manner. 

"Principal, I think Sensei Julia should not responsible for what her students have done. Miss Julia is a teacher, not a babysitter. Her sole job is to only teach the students in her classroom, after that- the students should be responsible." Enomoto Iori said.

Julia looked up in joyful tears. 'Ah! Finally a kind lad who understands me!' 

"As you say so... Enomoto-san." The Principal put his hand under his chin and then looked at the troublesome girls while saying: "You all are always causing trouble! This time I will definitely file a complaint to your parents!" 

"B-but Principal-!" The girls whined. 

"Silence! If you cause any more trouble, you girls will be suspended! Or even worse... Expelled." The Principal said angrily to which the Girls shivered at the last word. Seeing that the girls finally bowed their heads, the Principal left. 

Julia sighed in relief and looked at the rest of the room. 

'That's a huge relief! I'm happy that I'm still alive!' 



Like this, Julia got to avoid punishment, but she still received scorn from the other staff and the other teachers (including the Principal). 

"Look at her... what a shameless and useless teacher... can't even supervise her unruly students!"

'You can't supervise your running mouth that is screaming attention, can't you?' 

"She is going to be a disgrace in our Paradise Academy-!"

'Your rumors are a disgrace.'

"Out of everyone, she probably has the best class... so why is she still acting so high and mighty?"

'Huh, if you are so jealous of my so-called perfect classroom, why not just substitute for me?' 

Of course, Julia heard of all the rumors from the other envious class homeroom teachesr. She didn't quite care frankly, because as long as they don't physically harm her position as a teacher, she should be fine.

As for Tsuchiya Mina and the gang of ladies, they decided to form an entire premium club for Class-2A known as the Detective Club. Charge of knowing all the suspicious activities in the school and solving them. 

'You are the most suspicious group you know...' 

But most of the time, all the club ever did was exploit Julia's classroom and talk about unnecessary things. 

Two and a half months were almost passing by in the school year, and it was time for the School Play arc to take place in the novel. And for Miss Julia...

It was the worst arc:

"So, everyone! As you know, Paradise Academy holds School Plays and Theatre dramas for entertaining the School Board. And this year, our class has the prestige to do this event!" Julia faked excitement in her voice as she said this. 

"School play? ugh... so boring..." A student mumbled in the classroom. 

"I want a role that has no presence at all." 

"What are doing? Boring Cinderella? Tsk. Tsk." 

All of the students' moods turned gloomy and Julia did not give a flying f*ck at all. Why? She didn't want to be their entertainment anymore. 

"Anyway, why don't you all cast your vote?" Julia said with a smile as she gave everyone a sheet of paper to write what they wanted and the one with the most popular vote will be considered to be played during the School Event. 

Julia had a feeling that her class would choose some comedy or some romance, instead...  

In the end, the most popular vote was between the three most tragic plays of Shakespeare: <Hamlet> <Romeo and Juliet> and <Macbeth> 

'Huh no wonder why this class is a tragedy for me...'  Julia mumbled to herself as she saw the results. Is everyone so satisfied with the topic of futility and vainty? 

In the end, nothing had changed at all.




"Julia-san... the Demon-kun is calling you into his office again." Some teacher had reported back to Julia in her classroom before school had started. 

Unconsciously, Julia started trembling and her face turned white. 

'Oh no!'

'Is he planning to lecture me again?! Are my students causing too much trouble?!' 

"'s not that bad from what I've seen though." The teacher said laughing as he patted my back. "He looks like he's in a good mood today. Don't worry. You won't die. His usually grumpy face looks like he hit the jackpot or something." 

"I know right! I haven't seen him happy for six years that I've been in this ridiculous school!" Another teacher laughed. 

'This exaggeration is making me feel even more scared... ' 

Julia was not in a good mood today. Especially since her head was dizzy and hot. She almost tripped while walking on the flat ground. No doubt she had a fever. 

Due to some ridiculous rule in Paradise Academy that said if there is no absence report an hour before the school bell rings, they will unconditionally mark the person irresponsible of their duty.

 Julia went into the office room at last and opened the sliding door to the Principal's office.

"Oh! Miss Okano Julia! There you are-!" The Principal said, standing up from his seat with a broad smile on his face. His face and suit looked unusually neat and shiny today. 

'Wow... that teacher wasn't exaggerating...' 

'I wonder what's up with him...' 

"Perfect timings-! Let me introduce you to your new transfer student for this year, Igarashi Keith!" The Principal introduced pointing towards the guy who was sitting in the room.  When Julia met his eyes, she couldn't help but gasp in shock. 

With a smirk on his face, he stood up with one hand on his pocket and smiled unconditionally: "Greetings~ Sensei-kun." 

'The villain of the novel has appeared!' 


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