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It was finally 6pm and she could clock off

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It was finally 6pm and she could clock off. They gave her the option to leave but she decided to stay instead.

She just wanted to complete her work before leaving.

Leah felt very emotionally drained so she just walked straight back home. not caring much about her surroundings.

The moment she reached home, she sat on her couch, careful with the burns.

Leah distracted herself by cleaning up the place, watching some netflix, and doing some drawings.

She also thought of taking the day off, but remembered she was meeting Kane. Leah knew he would probably understand but decided not to.

It would help with the distraction.

Leah ate her pasta she had pre made. Thank god for that.

After that, she wanted to take a shower, being super duper careful with the burns.

As she cannot use soap, it was a quick one. After that, she applied the cream to help soothe the burn.

Hopefully it would heal over the weekend.

She felt very cooped up in her apartment so instead, she decided to take a walk to the park.

It was about ten minutes and it wasn't that late. But just as a precaution, she brought along pepper spray and a taser.

It was about 7.30 when she arrived at the park. Leah felt much better. The fresh air helped her clear her mind.

She was listening to music and admiring the scenery. As it wasn't too late, there were older couples strolling which made her remember her parents.

Leah just wondered- were they okay? If they were she could at least relax.

She just wanted some sort of an answer.

Looking at the time, she realized it was getting kind of late. I better leave now, Leah thought.

She quickly got up and left, making sure she didn't leave anything. She felt uneasy, not sure if someone was behind her.

Hearing footsteps, she immediately had a siren going off in her mind but tried to remain calm, as if unaware of the person's presence.

An idea came into her mind-calling Kane. She would pretend to have a normal conversation but hinting the fact that she was in danger.

Leah gave herself a pat on her back mentally, proud with her idea.

Grabbing her phone, she dialed Kane's number, praying to go through.

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