Chapter Eighteen

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It had been a couple hours since Jason murdered Mr Unibrow and I could tell he was getting irritated again. He's leg bounced and his hands kept clenching, I was beginning to think I would be his next victim not that I wouldn't mind.

My brain is fucking chaotic right now. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I fucking quit my job dumped a psycho and ended up on the run with another fucking psychopath. My whole plan was to have a few days fun and die to Jason but it's been weeks now and Jason is attached to me I doubt he'd kill me now.

I get it though, I'm such a fun, loveable, outgoing person how could anyone not love me... Oh wait my mother doesn't love me. I don't think the woman every loved me if I'm being honest, don't blame her to be honest but Jesus she could hit.

Actually I'm seeing a trend... Mother was an abusive whore, Bella could throw a punch when she wanted and now Jason a giant lamppost. Only difference between Jason and the sick twisted whores is that he has a lovely penis that gives a whole lotta pleasure.

Wait now I'm horny, and what do horny people on the run do? Go to cheap motels! As if the universe was rewarding all my bad behaviour a sign appeared before my eyes. '$25 a night sleep easy hotel'. Hello pleasure island.

I quickly pulled off the highway and onto the exit, Jason next to me confuzzled but not making a fuss for once. I drove into the crappy motel and realized there were in fact a couple of cars.

"Jason stay low, I'm getting us a room for the night" I said as I started getting out the car. Jason tried to duck but ended up hitting his head off the dashboard and I could only snort as I exited the vehicle. He's such an adorable idiot, BLAKE STOP THIS BEHAVIOR. Godamit...

I strolled up to a girl with hair like   Yukio from deadpool 2 and a face like Maeve Wiley from Sex Education, great show kids really teaches ya the art of masturbating and how embarrassing it is to have a sex therapist for a mother.

She was bopping along to music in her headphones not paying an ounce of attention to the sexy hunk of man  infront of her. I leaned over and waved in her face like an annoying toddler. She glared up at me and I smiley sweetly. She pulled her headphones done and gave me a look as to say "what the fuck do you want you incompetent fool"

"Double bed please" I smiled and slammed $25 onto the counter. She stared blankly at me for a moment before shuffling to get a key. She snatched the money and threw the key on the counter. I grabbed it and turned on my heel and headed out the door. I got back in the car and saw that Jason had managed to get his head between his legs.

"You stuck?" I questioned with a smirk. Jason shuffled his hand up to my face and stuck a thumbs up. I laughed and drove around back of the motel. I parked down the bottom of the parking lot and got out the car slamming the door shut behind me. I walked around to Jason's side and managed eventually to get the moron out.

"Come on my lil cheddar cheese" I called as I skipped towards our room. I climbed a flight of stairs and nearly died. Christ I'm getting too old for stairs going to need a lift soon.

Eventually we got to the room and I flopped down on the bed instantly feeling a spring trying to violently stab me. Jason followed suit and nearly flung me from the bed.

"Thanks for the heart attack darling" I  said sarcastically. Jason nodded and I rolled my eyes forgetting the man doesn't understand that humour.

"Right take your pants off" I said as I began to strip. Jason instantly went unbuckling his pants with excitement.

An hour later and it was safe to say that the cops may be called simply because I was screaming bloody murder. For a retard Jason sure knew how to hit that sweet spot he's also getting extremely good at lasting longer it's almost a miracle from his first time.

I was exhausted and shoved Jason over enough so I could get under the covers. I snuggled up and glanced back at Jason who was doing the same. I decided to turn away from him and I heard him sigh a little bit I felt bad but I wanted to lie on this side and I wasn't going to change for his dumbass.

Suddenly I felt a strong arm being roped around me and a warm body snuggling closer to me. He's arm felt like a seatbelt around me and I felt safe from my own thoughts. I let out a happy noise and snuggled up more.

"Goodnight Jason, Sweet dreams dumbass" I mumbled and Jason pulled me closer to him. I do like being man handled. I fell asleep thinking of what it would be like to be man handle by John Cena. It would be like a ghost wouldn't it? Get it cause he's invisible? No okay fine I'll fucking sleep then.

Jason Voorhees x MaleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ