Chapter Three

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"hey babe" Bella greeted as I slowly made my way down our staircase.

"hi" I murmured as i pushed past her.

"why aren't you in uniform?" she questioned.

"I Quit" I replied as I sat down.

"Blake please tell me this is another one of your sick jokes" Bella sighed as she lightly slammed the plate in front of me. I dug in straight away and filled my mouth.

"I'm done with that job, I'm done with all of this" I said food flying out my mouth.

"Blake stop acting like a child" Bella warned, raising her voice.

"Bella" Blake mocked her. "I'm done with working at the bar, I'm done with these noisy bastards that surround us and I'm done with this relationship" I said harshly as I stuffed more food in my mouth.

"Blake" Bella's voice can't out small, it was barely audible over my loud chewing.

"Bella darling" Blake began.

"Don't Bella Darling me we've been together for 3 fucking years Blake. You can't just give up now" Bella said as she wiped away her snot on her sleeve.

"You should've ended it ages ago darling, our relationships is toxic. We fight more then we have sex, that's bad really fucking bad" I said keeping a serious face.

I stood up to embrace my now ex girlfriend, as tears poured out her eyes.

"don't touch me asshole" Bella huffed, her mascara had run down her face and she looked a mess, her messy bun was truly taking the form of its name.

"this is why we never have sex, you're always with the 'don't touch me'.

"you're such an asshole I hate you!!!" she said slapping me away as I attempted to hug her.

"I know, I know, shush shush, there there" I spoke softly as Bella continued to slap my chest.

Bella finally pushed me away and walked into the living room. I took this as my opportunity and ran upstairs and grabbed my bag. I then raced down the stairs almost tripping in the process and bashing into the front door.

"Blake you are not leaving this fucking house we are not done!" Bella yelled throwing a vase at my head. Luckily I ducked out of the way.

I quickly opened the door and swung it closed running towards my car. I got in my car and put my keys in the ignition. I looked up to see Bella running towards my car.

" This bitch crazy" I said looking behind me and reversing out.

"you're not leaving me!!!" Bella yelled suddenly appearing in front of the car. Bella proceeded to get on top of the hood of the car.

"alright let's go for a ride" I laughed as I drove forward. I turned on the radio as I drove tuning out Bella's screams of 'Blake stop the fucking car!'.

"Blake!!!!" Bella screamed at the top of her lungs.  I suppose I can't take her all the way to camp blood with me...

"Blake stop the car" Bella begged.

"With pleasure" I smirked and stopped the car, sending  Bella sliding  off landing a couple of feet ahead of the car.

I watched as she stood up with a huff. I revved my engine and smirked, the woman Infront of me just starred daggers.

I took off full speed towards her, I wasn't going to stop and she knew well enough. She jumped to the side, the car barely missing her.

I jammed the breaks and watched in the rear view mirror as she stood up and began running towards the car. I took off again and then stopped, making her chase after the car. I laughed as I took off again, this time not stopping.

It was fun while it lasted, but she  should've known it would end in tears, she knew who I was before we started dating. It's her fault for getting her heart broke in the first place.

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