Chapter Fourteen

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Solitary, is there anything worse? I mean being man handled by Jason was pretty bad, and that time my mom pushed my out my bedroom window, but swiftly moving on from that.

An entire week being locked in a small dark room, a slice of bread and water being pushed through a tiny little crack in the door. The fat women who would shove a little pot of pills in and stand outside yelling 'hurry up' till I took them. Her beady eyes staring in at me. It was literal hell.

I don't mean the type of hell you'd call school or work, I mean actual hell without the fire of course, instead it was fucking freezing. My dick has been turtled this entire fucking time.

When I finally got out, my dick responded to the heat by springing up. So maybe I was thinking about jason and sex, not together obviously. Okay so maybe together, he has grown on me, and that giant sausage of his too, although I wish that grew inside of me instead.

I growled at my thoughts as Dr. Jacob's refused to unlatched the buckles on my straight jacket. I looked back at him, he gave a slight nod and I proceeded into the 'chillax room' as I called it.

I guess no freedom for me. Pinkie gave me a nod as I brushed passed the back of her chair, towards Jason who was staring at the table infront of him.

He didn't notice me so I decided to purposely scrap the chairs back. He jumped up and his eyes seemed to beem.

"happy to see me? Oh who am I kidding, of course you are!" I grinned as he began writing on his note pad.

Are u ok?

"yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned confused. He tilted his head at me. Then it clicked in my head; the reason I was in solitary.

"don't worry about it, everything is a-okay up in here" I smiled banging my head on the table. A few guards adjusted their position as they watched me. I just smiled at them. Jason head remained tilted, he didn't believe me and I honestly didn't believe myself.

Jason began writing again, this time a longer message. He had his jumpsuit rolled up, his muscular arms exposed. I watched as he wrote, the veins in his arm twitched. I felt heat flood through my body and I cursed myself.

Oh how I wanted those big hands to run all over my body, to grasp my pasty milk thighs and spread them open like you'd spread nutelle on bread.

Said hand waved infront of my face and I backed up a little bit. He shoved the note pad more violently infront of me.

I ws woried bout u.
It ws lonly withot u.

"you know Jason I missed you too, but would you do me a favour?" I asked innocently even though my dick was threatening to pop out of my pants at any second.


"follow me to the bathroom, but wait a minuet after me, so it's less suspicious" I whispered, looking towards the gaurds who seemed to be in deep conversation, probably about their horrible wives back home, or blue cheese.

Jason tilted his head at me, but I still proceeded to get up and slip into the bathroom. There was a single shelfed sink and gender less toilet, because apperently toilets have genders now. God millennials are so inivative!

Eventually Jason burst through the door, like the elephant he is. He still had his notepad in his hands.

Wat do u
want me to do?

"jason, I'm going to be honest with you, I need you to pull my dick out of my pants and give me a hand job" I said signalling to the giant tent in my pants, well not giant but for the sake of my self confidence we'll say giant.

Jason hesitated for a moment before he finally unzipped my zipper and my dick sprung out. Jesus my dick is more energetic then health freaks on a Saturday morning.

Jason pulled down my pants to my ankles and stood directly infront of me. He grabbed my dick, fitting it into one hand, jason has big hands, nothing to do with my dick size. He slowly began to move up and down and I let a loud moan escape my mouth.

Jason's free hand flew up and quietened my moans with his abnormal large hand. I moaned again as his fingers brushed over my slit. He moved in a slow rythme and christ did it feel good. He removed his hand from my mouth and used it to caresse my milk bottle thighs. I bite my lip as I tilted my head back in pleasure.

His hand began to speed up and the heat pooled in my stomach.

"oh Jason!" I mewled in his ear as i struggle to move in my straight jacket. His right hand was tightly wrapped around my dick and his left was rubbing up and down on my thigh.

"i'm close" i groaned as I tried to move his hand up and down faster by thrusting into his hand. I could feel Jason's confidence grow with each sound that left my mouth. Eventually he was going at a rapid pace and I came into his hand.

He slowly pulled my pants back up and stood infront of me, not knowing what to do. My breath was unsteady, but I tried to move as close to him as possible because I was boarderline going to fall off the sink. Jason somehow got the hint and moved closer and wrapped his arms around me.

Maybe being man handled by Jason wasn't as bad a solitary at all? It may even compare to heaven. Although I don't know what's the like, nor do I think I'll ever get in there.

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