Chapter Thirteen

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"Jason..." I said for the hundredth time. It had been a week since I told Jason to stop calling me his boyfriend, and now he won't even look at me.

To say it hurt was an understatement. I repeatedly told myself 'Blake doesn't have feelings, Blake doesn't get hurt over a giant tree trunk not talking to him', but it was no use I was sad.

Eventually I stopped attempting to talk to him and instead sat myself on the arts table with 'miss pink thang' as i like to call her. She had began to nod at me everytime I sat down, see Dr. Do little I can make friends when I want to.

I couldn't paint or draw though, not that I wanted to. Hell, what was I even meant to draw? Me killing Jason?, actually that's not a bad idea...

"can I please have this stupid fucking glove off of my body!" I growled at Dr. Jacobs, making him frown at me .

"fine, you can have it off for today, but if you make one move out of line it's back on and it's back on for good" he warned as he unbuckled the buckles and helped me slide out.

I sat in my usually spot and nodded to pinkie. I grabbed myself a page and a pencil. I could so easily stab someone with this pencil, I could be all jokery! 'do ya want to see a magic trick?' gosh I miss movies. I miss seeing the sunrise and the sunset.

All these bright lights and sterile white walls are giving me a headache. I started to make Dr. Jacobs dim down the lights anytime he came in to talk to me. He was still on the topic of my childhood and I still danced around it like a fucking ballerina in a pink costume.

As I was finishing up my master piece, just call me Picasso, Asshole McGee sat infront of me. I didn't dare look up at him, if he was going to pretend I didn't exist, I would give him the exact same treatment back.

Suddenly a notepad was shoved on top of my beautiful drawing.

don't like that we not
friends no more.
I'm sory I ignoraed you,
I sad.

"too late, I've revoked our friendship, and I've made a plan to kill you" I said holding my deadly drawing up to his stupid mask. He grabbed the drawing and studied it. He began scribbling again.

Dr. Jacobs said
You want talk
Abut yur chilldhod
To me.

"no that man is insane, I don't want to talk to you or him, I want out of this place now. I huffed snapping the pencil in my hand. I threw his notepad at his hockey mask and stormed towards the mesh fence blocking me from my exit.

"let me the fuck out now" I warned. Was this my breaking point? This could cost me a week in solitary, I heard that shit makes people go bonkers. Not that I wasn't already bonkers from these stupid pills.

They made me feel depressed, worse than I felt in a long time. I had a feeling of regret hung over my head for the past 2 weeks. I regretted leaving my home, it was a safe place and the routine kept me bound from acting up like this.

Maybe I am childish, maybe I did suffer from some shit from my childhood but it's not my fault, this place isn't helping me get better, it feels like a punishment for being stupid, for being irresponsible and I fucking hate it.

By now I was on the floor of the playtime area, tears pooling my eyes. Jason had lumped himself beside me and held me in his arms. It was all a blur. Jacobs was infront of me telling me to count to ten. I briefly remembered telling him to shove his numbers of his hole.

I just want to die, I don't want to stare at these walls any longer. I don't want to have pills and food shoved in my face. I don't want to be asked the same questions everyday.

Jason's embrace was warm, and for once in my life I felt secure. Mentally I didn't, but psychically I felt safe. I refused to let go of his white jumpsuit. I was surprised they even found one that fit his tall ass.

Eventually I was separated from Jason, I watched him tilt his head as I was dragged off to solitary. An entire week in the shit box.

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