Chapter Two

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Blake now laid on his bed, Surronded by darkness. Bella had drifted off to sleep about an hour ago. Her head rested on his chest, her hair tickling Blake to the point where he almost considered getting a pair of scissors. Blake couldn't sleep, then again he never really could. His mind was always racing, more lively then ever at night. Blake's mind would always wander onto the topic of his life.

He was bored of his life. He'd fallen into a routine and that not something Blake liked. He was living a normal person's life. Blake wasn't normal, so why should he try hide that? If his mother knew of his thoughts, she'd lock him away forever. Blake wanted to run, far away from the public eye. He'd always dreamed of living in a treehouse, maybe one like Bart Simpsons?

The more Blake thought about, they more he wanted to do it. He could quit his job, he wouldn't have to deal with any more drunks. He could dump Bella and be a free man, But then he'd wouldn't be able to fuck anyone! He always having his hand!

The only problem was, New Jersey was home to the killing machine Jason Voorhees. Surely he was dead by now, right? Blake conlcuded that he'd better do some research on Jason before he steps foot in the foestry grounds.

Blake awoke the next morning to see Bella had already left for work. He let out a sigh of context and headed downstairs to making himself a coffee. His got a lot of research to do and a laptop to find...

20 minuets passed, Blake was now sat at Bella's desk a laptop infront of him and a coffee in his hand. He turned on her laptop and groaned when he saw it was asking for a password. Bella loves Blake so it has to be something like Blake is hot right? Nope. Maybe it's her birthday? Nope, His birthday? No not that either. Maybe he got Bella's birthday wrong? Or maybe even his own. Blake was getting frustrated, he should've paid more attention to her squeaky voice.

Blake was suddenly hit with another idea, It must be the date they got together. But what is that date. Blake racked his brain. They've been together for 3 years, so its 2015. It was around Christmas... The 14? No, The 15? No it's the 16!

Blake entered the date and saw the screen load up. Blake smirked to himself, only took him 10 minuets and a cup of coffee. Blake went back downstairs for another cup of coffee.

After about 20 minuets of researching Blake concluded Jason was dead, he'd have to be. The last activity was in 2003, Its 2018. Surely the man's dead now? Maybe that means Blake can raid the camp for wood for his treehouse? Blake clapped his hands together in excited.

He cleared the search history and shut down the laptop. Blake ran towards his shared room and grabbed a gear bag. He opened his wardrobe and grabbed 2 pairs of jeans, some sweatpants, a shit ton of hoodies and a hell of a lot of T-shirts. He also grabbed some socks and underware. He threw in an extra pair of shoes.

He then dragged the office chair out of Bella's office into their bedroom in front of the wardrobe. He then proceed to climb onto of the chair, almost falling off. He then reached towards the back, pulling out a small box.He slowly dis-mounted himself for the chair and opened the box up on the bed. Inside were an asortment of knives.

They're were two black ones, a red and a blue one. Blake being the OG emo kid grabbed the two black ones. He ran his finger along the rim of the knife and smirked seeing a small amount of blood drip from his finger. He put them into a protective bag and put them into his gear bag.

He grabbed his phone charger and his earphones and threw them in too. He then closed up the bag and threw it behind the door. Blake decided a shower was needed. He made his way to his bathroom and turned on the water. Thankfully he paid the bill for this month. He shed from his clothes and stepped in. The water was burning hot, but Blake didn't even flinch. The room was already full of steam and Blake hummed in approval.

Blake proceed to wash himself aswell as his Shaggy black hair. Blake spent way to much time in the shower, because when he got out his fingers were all wrinkly. He wrapped a towel around his waist. He wiped the fogged away from the mirror and starred at his reflection. Blake tossed his wet hair around for bit before giving up and exiting the bathroom.

He walked to the underware drawer that was now bare, he grabbed a pair of boxers and socks. He then walked over to the wardrobe where he pulled out a pair of sweat pants, a army green t-shirt and a black hoodie. Blake could faintly smell Stir-fry meaning Bella was home. Blake threw on his clothes and shooved on his shoes.

Blake mentally prepared himself to break up with the devil herself.

Jason Voorhees x MaleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora