Chapter Twenty Two

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The light shined brightly through the log cabin window, and it pissed me the fuck off. Who did the sun think it was huh? Waking me up with it's stupid glint. I'm blind when I wake up anyways, I don't need the stupid fucking sun beaming into my eyes too. That's like taking a lollipop from a toddler and then taking one lick and throwing it in the trash, like what's the point?

Okay so I'm in a bad fucking mood. I'm fed up of this Jason bullshit. No matter the person, no matter what good they do for me I will never ever be able to fully attach myself to them. Look between us, I no longer feel for Jason. It's exhausting talking to myself all the time and trying to read his scribbles, like yes bitch I'm dyslexic but Christ riding on a bike across a tight rope what in the shit does "arok" mean and why was it brought up in a conversation about food?

Do I feel for Jason? Yes.
Could I see myself with him? Yes.
Do I see myself right now with him?
No, fuck no. I've had a new lease of life. I've fucked and I've been fucked. Great to experience it love the fresh meat, even though Jason's meat was not fresh and not entirely nice smelling either. But don't get it twisted I'm not going to fuck a baby, I'm messed up but not that messed up... Yet. That was a joke don't use that against me in the court of law Matt Murdock, you son of a bitch.

Jason loves me, I hurt Jason, I betrayed Jason and I cheated on Jason. Am I bad person? Yes of course I am, I am a horrible cunt but I think I made that clear when I willingly drove my car with my ex girlfriend riding on the hood. I didn't come to this lake for love, I didn't come to lake for sex I came to die. I don't want to die anymore so now I think it's best if I run. I do owe Jason an apology though. Maybe I'll do a rehabilitation step by step thingy and I'll be able to say oh I already checked off the apology to the person you screwed over, well one of the people anyways.

I got myself dressed and my bag packed. I threw it over my shoulder and exited the large cabin giving it an ol' pat goodbye. Then I set off on my search for the giant murderer that was probably plotting my death and I don't blame him it what I wanted but not anymore.

Eventually I found him standing a few feet in front of me, his machete swinging side to side. He was ready, I knew his body language well enough to say he was thirsty for a kill and from the dead bodies plastered around the woods I was the last one with blood flowing through me still.

"Hey Jason" I gave a smirk and a wave.  He grunted. I tossed him the note pad that he abandoned in the cabin and watched him scribble for days.

"You writing a novel bud?" I questioned sitting on the woodland ground. He grunted again. He's very grunty today. Eventually he finished and threw the notepad rather violently at me.

Yu r men
Yu had cex wit the gurls
That is't rite
I tught u luvd me

"Jason I am mean I won't tell a lie. I did cheat on you multiple times in your view. No that isn't right of me at all, in a relationship you should be loyal I wasn't and for that I am sorry. I didn't mean to come here to hurt you, I wanted you to hurt me" I explained. Jason didn't make a sound, he didn't even move.

"Look I don't want to die anymore, so if we can just part ways that would be great" I said with a side of shredded hope. Ohhhh, I'd love some shredded chicken right now.

Jason began coming at me and with one swing of his machete I scrambled off the floor and attempted my escape. But he caught me by the collar and pinned me to a tree. It's funny, before I'd find this arousing but now I'm about to shit my pants. This is what I wanted I guess...

Jason stared deep into my soul the machete inching closer to my neck. He was hesitating and I took that as my opportunity. I kicked my legs up to kick him in the ribs. He barely moved but he dropped the machete and looked down at it. His slow reaction allowed me to hit the ground running and I ran.

The cars didn't have keys, the ones that did had no gas so my only bet was to run. I ran and I ran until I couldn't breath anymore. Eventually I  felt a safe distance and strolled down the country road. Yes Jason was a fast paced walker but I really doubt he's stalking me. He couldn't kill me and he finally has his land back to himself. It's like it all never happened.

I stuck out my thumb to ever car that passed, all cranky old farmer's who refused. Eventually a red Ford truck pulled over and a friendly smile appeared as I bent down.

"Where ya heading to kid?" The man questioned as he adjusted his cowboy hat.

"Just back to town that's all" I smiled.

"Hop in, I'm heading there myself" he pushed the door out for me and I got in without hesitation. Old country music played softly and the man hummed along.

"What brings you out this far?" He questioned after awhile of silence.

"The nature mostly" I answered short and quick and shot him a smile to seal the deal. I was a wanted man after all, don't think my mental asylum scandal would've passed that lightly.

"Ya it's nice and peaceful, I head out the other side of the camp blood lake for some fishing" he said in a strong yeehaw accent. I cringed slightly wondering if he ever heard the screams or felt the prying eyes of a large giant with a hockey mask.

The conversation flowed and we reached town in no time. He stopped off at the gas station and I took that as my cue to leave.

"Thanks for the ride sir I do appreciate it" I smiled brightly, he gave me a nodded and struck up a conversation with his fellow truck owner. I swiftly walked away after being eyed up by the truck owner.

I strolled down the town unsure of my next moves. I had to worry about Jason though, would he come kill me? Legend says he only moves and kills across country if he's forcefully moved. He never leaves his lake so I hope he stays put.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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