61 | Worth Fighting For

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January, 1934


At the beginning of the year, the Seol-il border had been reduced to a mass of ruin and destruction. Their military camps were destroyed, most soldiers had either fled or been killed, and the remaining ones were captured. The new battalions that were assembled in surrounding regions were reluctant to take off, afraid of facing imminent death. For now, they remained close by.

More and more civilians became willing to stand up against the government since the war broke out, even with the new decree being issued. A number of village residents in the territory had started raising the Angletonian flag in their homes, in favour of what the Empire offered: food, protection, and two most important things their own rulers failed to ensure; their lives and freedom.

A group of massive tanks packed with armed Angletonian soldiers were seen patrolling around the wasteland day and night. They had successfully claimed the border and now they wanted to show who was in charge.

"Civilians, your attention, please! We are carrying orders from the Emperor. The Seol-il border has fallen. This land is now under martial law. But fear not, for every countryman who surrendered and refused to participate in the war shall be unharmed," a soldier announced through a megaphone, which was later repeated in Seolian language.

In the Archambault fortress, a number of Seol-il nobilities gathered to seek an audience with the Emperor. Apparently, it wasn't only civilians who were affected by the war; the high lords had also taken a hard hit since they were contractually obligated to provide funds. Not much had been acquired from land rent, taxation, and loans, for months after the disaster. It was a shame to lose the fortune they had so auspiciously owned and maintained for generations.

"Kym Shion, are you quite sure about this?" Cal asked as he peered at the guests who were waiting for him downstairs.

"I am positive, Your Majesty," replied Kym Shion, who was still working undercover for him. "The nobles' loyalties are always fleeting. They would pander to any side that benefits them. In this case, it's ours. But I'd say we should still be careful with them in the future." Cal just nodded and began his descent.

All the lords stood up to greet him as he came down the stairs.

"Your Imperial Majesty," The group leader bowed deeply, followed by the others. "We have come here on the King's behalf to offer our sincere apology. This war has never been our intention."

"Yet it happens, doesn't it?" Cal raised his brows. "I thought I said only the King's apology would be accepted?"

The high lord coughed. "For that, we'd like to offer you some gifts."

He clapped twice and a group of lackeys came in to bring some wooden boxes containing gold coins, silverwares, ornate fabrics, and a huge palanquin.

Cal sneered as he scanned over the boxes. "I thought I made myself clear; until the King himself comes down and apologizes, these gifts-" Unraveling the curtain of the palanquin, he saw a young woman clad in a translucent garb. She lowered her head timidly upon seeing him, arm raising over her chest. "What on earth?"

"What's the meaning of this?" Philippe snarled.

"A special courtesy from us, Your Majesty. She's not just any serf, she belonged to the Princess; pure and untouched."

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