5 | Serendipity

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Note: Leroy is pronounced 'Leh-Roy', not 'Leeroy'.

.·。.·゜·༺♥༻ ·゜·。.


The enthusiasm Junior showed at the idea of being left in Gigi's company had almost made his father turn green with jealousy. The boy practically squealed 'I'd love to!' and enumerated a series of activities they planned to do once it came into practice. Junior, who had spent most of his life in his father's company. Junior, who could barely stand nannies—many of whom, according to him, had treated him like a silly child—had been won over by a newcomer.

Over a bag of books.

"But Junior, you are a child," was Cal's reply as he whinged about the nannies again.

The Prince pouted. "No, I'm not just a child. I am the heir of the Empire," he said with so much haughtiness, his father couldn't help but chuckle.

It was strange, seeing his son being so attached to another person; one with no biological ties to them, who had only been living with them for a little over a month. He thought it might be jealousy at first, having to share his son's affection with another, but it was also something else. Something he couldn't wrap his head around.

The concept of Junior's mother felt so strange and unfamiliar.

Junior had never had a mother. Cal had always thought of himself as his sole parent; that he had come to the world solely as his son. Junior was the reason he learned about unconditional love, as if he hadn't known it before he was born. Even though it had only been the two of them, it was perfect.

The only other person whom he'd ever entrusted Junior to was his own mother—Junior's grandmother—who was still around when the Prince was a baby. He was thankful he had gotten help before his son grew big and strong enough to be left on his own. At least, Junior had a chance to experience a motherly love to a degree.

His late father had suggested that he seek a new wife immediately after Junior was born, which Cal had sternly denied. After everything he had been through it was out of the question, and he didn't believe that some unknown woman could be a better influence on his son.

Although Junior did ask about her once, seeing the impact the question had on his father, it was never brought up again. As though his son could see right through him; as if he understood everything.

Junior had accepted that he might never have a mother, and Cal had given up the idea of having a normal wife and family.

Not even with Gianita.

Only years after, as he ascended the throne, did the thought of marriage once again crossed his mind. No longer in pursuit of love or family, he sought a union that would become an emphasis of his glory. A pillar that sustained the foundation of his reign. An Empress isn't just a wife, it's a high-standing title that came with power and influence; his right hand in matters of state. A real job, with a set of duties and expectations.

Of all the candidates, Prajanagara was singled out as the winner; a nation spread across the equator, known for its lush natural resources that made even superpower countries like Angletonia look upon it with envy. Even though they were behind in technology, their tropical climate allowed their crops to flourish throughout the year, ensuring their people to never starve. Another considerable candidate was Qingxin, but they didn't happen to have any eligible age-appropriate princesses. Cal had never understood why his predecessors never took a consort out of the west; if they wanted the farthest reach, it should be global.

Praja's weakness was Angletonia's strength. In spite of their strategic location and producing well-crafted goods, they weren't very well known among the international trades. And despite having three times the landmass of Angletonia, their defence was weak. Their bountiful resources even made them a delectable prey to Morioka, another emerging empire in the east. This was where their advantage came into play, for it was no secret that Angletonia had the best military advancements. They contemplated each other like a perfect match.

Thus it had been agreed upon in their marriage contract that Praja would share their generous supplies in exchange for Angletonia's military strength, that the Empire would protect and aid them in times of need. A child was never a part of the deal; not that they weren't hoping for one, but they never demanded it.

Cal thought that as long as he held up his end of the bargain and fulfilled his responsibilities, all would be well. He would always be loyal to Gianita and respected her as the Empress of Angletonia, but not as a lover.

To have her bond with Junior was something unforeseen.

As a widower, he had never once hoped for his new wife to care for or even mind a child from his previous marriage. But here she was, with a book opened in her lap effortlessly mingling with his son as she taught him her language.

All these years he'd never seen Junior so vibrant with anyone other than himself. It was impossible not to feel warm at the sight. Perhaps, for Junior's sake, he should appreciate her presence a little more. Perhaps, for his own sake, he could make a little room for her in his life.

Catching him watching from a corner, Gigi noticed Junior who was occupied behind a large dictionary. The boy stormed into his arms and was soon cuddled to his father's chest and showered with kisses.

Cal smiled over at Gigi, whose face flushed before returning his smile.

At that moment he saw how he had underestimated her.


As Junior left for a bath, Cal remained in the library with his wife.

His gaze followed her as she strolled across the room, the silky material of her chiffon dress clung to her waist, accentuating her petite figure. The sun shone through the windows behind her, giving her silhouette a dim glow; highlighting the dark locks that framed her face as she bent over the table.

There was no denying that she was pretty.

His ensemble had always been well put together, but it wasn't until he saw her that he realized how plain and uninspiring his own wardrobe was. Every day he would wear a set of inky black suits that mirrored his raven hair, a striking contrast against his alabaster skin, making his earth-brown eyes the only thing on him that wasn't dark or pale. Sharp and colourless.

But he could think of many different colours as he looked at her, as if going horseback riding on a fine spring day. Lush peony petals for her lips, the warm golden sun for her dewy skin, and a rich cedarwood for her eyes. Blossoming, lively, and sunny. A flowery field.


Cal descended from utopia and back into the palace library. "Yes?"

"Are you alright?" Gigi's face was right before him, her brows turned upwards. "The look on your eyes, they were so intense a moment ago. Something bothers you?"

"The weather—!" he dodged, diverting their conversation. "Don't you think it's a little hot here? It's sizzling." He fanned himself.

Gigi looked around the room, trying to find the source of his discomfort. "Shall I close the windows?"

"No need." He cleared his throat, straightening his suit. "I came here to talk to you about your coronation day. How are the preparations going? Since we weren't coronated together, as the Empress, you must hold one for yourself."

"It's been well so far; the Lord Chamberlain has been so kind to guide me through the entire process. I am learning so much, in case I'm to hold a similar occasion in my name in the future."

"Then you should know that the state banquet that'll be held afterwards is just as important. It's a celebration of the diplomatic ties between Angletonia and Praja. I'd like you to open it with a speech; since you're a member of both Angletonian and Prajan royal families, no one else is better suited for this part."

Gigi's rounded eyes widened, batting their long lashes. "A speech? I've never made one before... I'll give it my best, Sire."

"You will also dance. You are accustomed to dancing, I believe?"

"All princesses have been required to attend dance lessons since childhood. We would sometimes give performances in notable ceremonies." Her expression softened before it suddenly changed into that of shock. "Sire, you want me to perform solo at the banquet?"

"Solo? No." He elucidated, "You will be dancing with me." 

.·。.·゜·༺♥༻ ·゜·。.

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