12 | A Lionlike Snake

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(Italics are for letters and flashbacks.)

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July 1919

Dear Prince Cal of Angletonia,

I hope you are well. I have been busy with my eldest son's coming-of-age party. I can't believe Aditya is eighteen. Since he was little, he has always been very protective of his younger brothers and only sister, Gianita. Seeing your display of courage months ago reminded me of him.

Please send my regards to the Emperor and Empress of Angletonia.

Nataraja IX of Prajanagara


November 1926

Dear Prince Cal of Angletonia,

Congratulations on the birth of your son; I can imagine the joy you must be feeling. I myself had the delight to welcome the birth of my youngest son, Aravin last spring. It was a surprise. After our Gianita was born twelve years ago; my wife didn't think she'd be welcoming another child.

May you and your child be blessed with Life, Prosperity, and Health.

Nataraja IX of Prajanagara


May 1930

Dear Prince Cal of Angletonia,

How kind of you to have sent me a photograph of you and your little prince! I think it's only fair for me to send you one of me and my children.

The young lady by my side is my dear daughter Gianita. She is now sixteen and has been taught to read, write, and speak fluently in no less than three languages; including Anglese.

She also holds a strong interest in literature.

Nataraja IX of Prajanagara


May 1931

Dear Cal, Emperor of Angletonia

I deeply regret having to miss your coronation. I would have been there personally, if not bound by the obligations I have for my country. I sent my letter with my son Eshaan who would be attending in my place. I hope you welcome him as warmly as you would me.

Nataraja IX of Prajanagara


January 1933

Dear King Nataraja IX of Prajanagara,

I have the greatest pleasure to have you as a friend, brother, and perhaps even a father figure over the years. For that, I would like to tighten our bonds of friendship as well as the good relationship between our countries into that of a family by asking for your daughter's hand in marriage.

Angletonia has not had an Empress since the passing of my dear mother, and I believe that Princess Gianita has the virtue as well as the capability to fit the role.

I would be honoured to have her by my side as the Empress of Angletonia and as my wife, so that generations from now, we will forever be united through heart, mind, and blood.

I'm looking forward to hearing good news.

Cal Raedan Leroy,
Emperor of Angletonia

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