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Me and Nicolette walk down to the first  classroom of the day.  We enter the class and I sit left of Charlie and he looks at me. "Are you ready for hell?" He whispers.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I look back at him crossing my arms. I didn't have much books just a binder with some paper and a few pencils and pens. The teacher comes in and starts introducing himself and telling us about the class. He picks two boys to pass out textbooks.
"Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list and report on them every five weeks. The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow." He states holding up the text book. Charlie turns to me letting out a sigh in a whistle. His mouth hangs open while I stare at him with my eyes widen out of shock. "This is a living nightmare." I mouth to him and he nods. This class felt like it never was going to end.

(time skip)

"Agricolarum, Agricola. Agricolae..." The professor went on. We repeated after him. It was so boring, cleaning the erasers was more fun than this. He continued and we repeated over and over again. He called on two people to pass the textbooks. Greaaaaaaat even more weight. I slumped back in my chair arms folded and waiting for this to be over.

(time skip once again)

The professor paces around the room. My eyes dart from wall to wall trying to find the clock. He starts to say something and I focus my attention back to him.

"Your study of Trigonometry, requires absolute precision! Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment will be penalized 1 point off their final grade." He turns around looking at the class. My eyes widen. "When can we ever get a break" I think looking at the poster of theorems.

"Let me urge you now not to test me on this on this one." He states turning back around and walking up to the chalkboard. He looks at the roster and calls me and Ethan to pass out the text books. We go to the back counter and pick up our stacks. I walk up and down the rows passing them out.
"Thank you m'lady." Pitts says to me doing a weird bow in his desk. I pick his book back up and hand it to the kid behind him. He turns his body to look at me and give me a confused look. "oops!" I mouthed and gave him a surprised face. I finished passing out my stack of the books and returning to my seat. Luckily Ethan hands Pitts his book and all is well. The professor goes on and on I follow along for the most part writing down notes. He assigns us homework and tells us that class is now over. I stack my books up and slide them off my desk into my hands. I walk quickly out of the class.

I wait until Nicolette is out and I walk with her. My books are killing me they are so heavy they weight my arms down. Nicolette looks over at me and let's put a chuckle from the way I'm walking.

"Vivian you look like an old lady." She smiles.

"Would you like a cookie my dear?" I replied with hunching over even more and doing my best old lady impression.

"I would like a cookie grandma!" Some shouts from behind. I straighten my back and turn to see who it is. "Oh it's him." Pitts is walking our way and stops when he's by my side.

"There you go my dear." I drop my books on top of his and he drops down to my level from all the weight. I smile and put my hand on his cheek. "Thanks!" I snicker and scoot closer to Nicolette. She lets out a quiet laugh and we continue walking. I turn my head and I see Pitts trying to process what just happened. He straightens out his back and start quickening his pace to catch up to us. Nicolette looks at her hand and says that we were in that room to the left. We walked in and I took the fourth seat in the second row and Nicolette sat behind me. Pitts weaves through the desks and  drops my books in front of me. He sits down at the desk to me left and leans over to me.

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