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(after school the next day)

There is a knock at the door and the door opens. Dr.Hager peaks his head through and asks to see Knox. Knox gets up and tells us he has to go to the Danburrys. We wish him luck and he walks toward the door and closes it behind him. I lean back in my chair absolutely swamped from the homework that was assigned. I readjust myself to get back to work. I flip through my textbook ready and writing down the answers on a sheet of paper. There was a nudge on my arm. I turn my head to the left and Pitts is pointing at my paper.

"That's wrong." He points to number 14 on my answer sheet. I roll my eyes and ask him how. He explains it to me and I'm still skeptical. I throw a small ball of paper towards Meeks. They look up at me with a blank face. I give them my paper and ask if 14 was right. They shakes their head and explains it to me the way Pitts did. Pitts looks at me as if to say "I told you so." I raise my arms up surrendering and apologize to him. I slump down and start erasing my mistake. While Im fixing my error Pitts is playing around with a paper ball. He's very intrigued with this ball, looks like he's contemplating what to do with it. Charlie then snatches the ball out of his hands and they start bickering. Trying my hardest to block their arguing out I finish my  trig homework. I close my books and stack them on top of each other. Taking a break from all the work I hear shouts and protests all around the room. Charlie is running around the room with Pitts running close behind him. Neil is laughing and Meeks is trying to focus on finishing up his latin homework. I stand up and shout to Charlie to pass me the paper. Charlie grins a devilish grin. He throws it in my direction and I catch it sliding it in my pocket. Pitts looks directly at me and his face turns red. He starts running towards me and I let out a yelp before running away.

"You're not going to reach into my pockets that's not appropriate!" I turn my head back towards him.

"Well if you give me the no- ball then I won't have too!" He shouts back at me. He seems very distraught over this note so I do the only logical reason in this situation. I open it. He protests and I hesitate a bit. I don't want to lose his trust. Fighting the urge to open it I sigh.

"Heads up Charlie!" I throw the ball towards him and he catches it. They're back at square one. Pitts finally gives up, slumping back into his chair hands covering his face. I get out of my seat and go over towards Charlie. I ask him politely for the ball but he refuses. This asshat. I pry the ball out of his hand and walk back towards my seat. Charlie's bickering about how what I did was unfair and blah blah blah.

"I'm sorry, this seems very important." I place the ball on his homework. Charlie quickly runs by and snatched it off the table. A loud screech fills the room from my chair being pushed back. I run towards Charlie and grab his ear. A bunch of ow's escape his mouth while I drag him towards the nearest wall. The boys laugh while I scold Charlie. My finger waving in Charlie's face, him obviously embarrassed. After his scolding I hold my hand out and he harshly puts the ball in my hand. I thank him and walk back towards the table. I place the ball back on Pitts' homework and he picks it up. Charlie goes back to he seat and gives me a death glare.

"Loser!" Cameron laughs towards Charlie.

"Shut it Cameron!" He snaps. The rest of the groups let's out a chuckle.

(time skip )
The group is now doing their own things now. Neil, Cameron, and me are finishing up homework. Pitts and Meeks are working on their radio. Charlie and Nicolette are chatting. We hear the door open and I turn to face it. Then Knox came in looking love sick. He closes the door and leans on it.

"Whats up with you goodie boy!" Charlie says threw a smirk. Knox turns his head in our direction. He looks like he's seen an angel.
"There was a wonderful girl...Her name is Chris." He swoons. Walking over to us weak in the knees. Nicolette slams her hand on the table. "She's taken you idiot!" She exclaims. Knox waves a hand as to say "That doesn't matter". She is furious I have never seen her so angry. As if she were jealous. Our table is silent everyone is looking at Nicolette then at Knox. "She's gonna be mine." Knox smiles resting his face on his hand.

"Bullshit." Nicolette responds seething. Her face is red. Knox is not going to win this, he can try all he wants but he'll only be digging his own grave. "She doesn't even like....boys." Nicolette whispered the last part. "What." Knoxs' face drops. "She likes women!" Nicolette states as if he were dumb. The groups faces drop. All of our mouths wide open. It's like a bomb had blew up right in his face, in all our faces.

"Well, how do you know?" He questions raising a brow. "You're actually so dumb for going to the best school in Vermont. I'm her girlfriend! Me and her, her and I are dating!" She explains. As if it were even possible our mouths dropped even wider. We did not see that coming. I cover my mouth with my hand. Neil looks at me, eyes wide and jaw dropped. He mouths the words "did you know?" I shake my head.

"If you ever touch her or talk to her inappropriately, she'll tell me and I will knock your teeth out!" She raises a fist towards him. Charlie's face turns red from holding back his laughter. All color is lost from Knoxs' face. It looks like he's just seen a ghost. Nicolette frantically grabs her books and speeds to the door. In a rush I collect as much of my things I can and rush out towards her. I catch up to her now steadily walking by her side.

"Get away from me, you probably think I'm a freak." She says sniffling. Those words took me by surprise. I felt so bad. "I don't think you're a freak.... I think your such a cool person." I put my hand on her shoulder. She shoves it off but I grab her shoulder and spin her around to face me. "I think you're so brave to do that. Putting Knox in his place. I mean that was amazing he was terrified of you! It's only been a few days but you're one of the bestest friends I've made here and nothing is going to change that." I pull her into a hug. She is so kind. One of the coolest dorm mates I've had. She smiles and wipes away her tears. "Let's go back to the dorms yeah? And you can tell me all about Chris." She nods and we walk up the stairs towards the dorms.

i'm sorry this took so long i just didn't want to pull up clips from when they were studying so i just decided to write make it up

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