Bonus chapter 21.

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It's been 2 days. 

Whole 2 fucking days, 48 damned hours of gloominess and unutterable worry.

Cami has been put into medical come because her system needs to recover, focusing only on getting better. Her cuts, bruises and marks are healing slowly, fading away one by one. Her silky, sleek, dewy skin is now pale, yet it used to be sun-kissed and luminous as rosy blush always coloured her soft cheeks every time I complimented her or did something romantic and intimate. She lost some weight and it is noticeable: dainty arms and slim legs are leaner, slender waist is smaller. 

But what scares the shit out of me is that doctor cannot see all 3 babies. 1 of them is as if invisible. I am shitless horrified, worried and my mind knows no peace. Doctor keeps doing ultrasound every 3 hours, just like I requested, but it gives no damn reassurance and relief as the result keeps being the same.

She couldn't have lost our bean, doctor would have known that since she would have bled or they would have noticed that something wrong during surgery. But no test showed anything. My worry past its limits and I am going out of my mind. 

For the first time in my life I am actually lost to the point that I have no fucking clue what to do. I keep putting myself in one piece when I FaceTime bambinos every 2-3 hours, but once our call is over, I am disoriented, scared and worried again.

I am not leaving her room, I keep sitting in the same arm chair for hours. In those 2 days I left only twice only for 30 minutes - shower, change and then I was back with my beloved. I am not eating, I simply cannot stomach anything more than a cup of peppermint tea, which I am drinking right now. 

I gently glazed my thumb over her tiny, soft, lukewarm hand, letting out small smile as I imagined how much she will scold me for not eating and sleeping, but then she will kiss me passionately and tell me how much she loves me, how much she missed me and I will hold her in my arms, relishing in her heavenly embrace. 

Fanculo, I need her so badly. I miss her so fucking much.

"Eat a few cookies at least, man."- stated in concern Dante, who tries to feed me every day. 

"I'll pass on that, thanks."- I replied, drink tea, my eyes fixed on my beloved. 

"You lost weight. 2 kilograms might I say."- he said sternly, handing me pack of oatmeal cookies. 

"Do you want me to call Carmen because she will gladly drill your brain until you eat on FaceTime as she watches you?"- mumbled smugly Dante, grinning as I sighed, opening that damped package.

God knows, my madre's lecturing is the last thing I need. I won't tolerate her ranting right now because my worry mixing with nerves and irritation isn't exactly what I need. 

"I want to see the whole package gone by the time I come back with coffee."- he said goofily and I hummed indifferently. 

Time ticked by, day turned into night. It is 7PM in Florence and I FaceTiming my parents, who cannot set Max and Twins to sleep. It's been like that for 2 days now and I always FaceTime them to talk my little ones to sleep. 

"Proprio così, i miei piccoli soliti. Chiudi gli occhi e dormi, miei dolci."- I cooed Angelica, Ariana and Maximiliano, seeing that they are much calmer and are slowly drifting off to sleep. (Just like that, my little sunshines. Close your eyes and sleep, my sweeties.) 

"Mamma ed io saremo a casa presto."- I spoke, hoping and praying that this will happen indeed soon. (Mummy and I will be home soon.) 

After another a few minutes my precious beans were asleep, so madre  laid them in their cribs as padre went to guest bedroom, where they are staying. 

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