Bonus chapter 25.

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Before anyone could say anything about my decision, Ignazio stormed in my office with alarmed expression. 

"Gustos's cousin is here and wants to negotiate."- he announced and I raised my brow at his rumble, glazing my thumb over my wife's curve of tiny waist. 

"With Signora Russo and you alone."- he added, my gaze hardening and grip of Camila tightening. 

"Is he alone?"- asked Cami and he nodded. 

"We will see you and him bin the boarding room. Check him, take away all possible harmful objects."- I stated sternly and Ignazio nodded before leaving. 

"We will be fine, amore."- said softly my beloved, kissing my forehead gently. 

"I love you so much, bambina."- I spoke genuinely, kissing her tiny hands lovingly. 

"I love you immensely, handsome."- she whispered against my lips, kissing me fondly. 

I helped her to stand up and wrapped my arm around her slender waist in protective manner, wanting to get this over with and enjoy my life of a husband and father in peace. 

"Mr Russo, Mrs Russo, I am sorry for unannounced visit. I am Ganz Gustos."- introduced himself brown-eyed man. 

We sat down and I examined his appearance: he indeed looks exceedingly harmless. If that moron Henry had some nasty vibe to himself, Ganz looks soft, I could say. 

"I want to apologise for my cousin's doings and the act of his gang. It was so wrong and unacceptable. I swear, nothing like this will ever happen now that I have taken over the leadership."- stated honestly Ganz with a smile. 

"Your men acted out on their own? You had no idea about their whereabout?"- I asked calmly and he nodded, sincerely glimmering in his eyes. 

"Alright, we accept your apology."- I spoke, not believing what I am doing. 

But fuck, I am in no position to put myself in jeopardy: I have a loving wife, 10 kids and 3 more on the way. I cannot allow myself to get in some shit. I want my kids to live in tranquility and happiness, I want my wife to be able to get out of the house without having to watch her back, I want to travel with my family, celebrate holidays in peace. 

"Thank you so much, Mr and Mrs Russo."- he stated cheerily with grin and we nodded, offering him polite smiles. 

Hands shakes exchanged and he left, not taking anything back, meaning he came unarmed - he definitely meant no harm. 

"I am very proud of you, Leo. It was very honourable and adorable of you."- spoke profoundly my sweetheart, wrapping her petite arms around my neck while mine secured around her tiny waist. 

"That's what good sex does to you."- hollered Martin amusedly and Cami blushed cutely, hiding her comely face in my chest. 

In a moment we left the warehouse and drove home, having 3 hours to spare before bambinos come from school; my parents are dropping them off. 

"Mhm, what does my gorgeous wife want?"- I wondered with smirk as she untucked my turtleneck and slipped it off my torso. 

"It's been such a long while since the last time my husband fucked me against the wall."- she said innocently, batting her beautiful, long, thick, dark lashes at me while unbuttoning her silk blouse. 

"Then you better strip down to that sexy lace of yours, get on your knees and put your hand behind your back."- I stated devilishly, tearing the silk fabric off her sultry body. 

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