Bonus chapter 29.

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Month and a half later. April.


I am 37 weeks pregnant - almost the end of my 8th month. My baby bump is very big and round, though, I weight only 56 kilograms. The grand nursery is awaiting the arrival of our quadruplets, hospital bag is ready for all of us and we are buzzing with excitement. 

We celebrated triplets' 9th birthday in March in Barcelona and Tini's 15th birthday in April in Rime. Then we spent 2 weeks in Morocco: tanning, swimming, shopping, sightseeing and simply enjoying family time. Today we are back home and have just landed. 

"Yay!"- chirped bambinos, hopping down the stairs of our private jet. 

Just as I was about to take a step, I whimpered, holding onto the railing. 

"What's wrong, bambina?"- asked in concern Leo, wrapping his muscular, strong arm around my frame, keeping me steady. 

"We really need to go to the hospital."- I spoke as calmly as I could, rubbing my belly in big circled to ease the feeling. 

He kissed my cheek and attempted to gently, factiously walk down the stairs by my side, but I whimpered again, shaking my head. 

"I can't."- I said surely, feeling how much my back hurts all of a sudden.

"Come on, principessa."- stated warmly Leonardo, very tenderly and effortlessly scooping me in his powerful, rugged arms.

He carried me down the stairs and to the car as bambinos obediently got in the car, understanding everything on their own. They sat their little siblings in car seats, being such sweet helpers. 

"Oh God."- I almost whispered, my back hurting like hell. 

"Shh, everything will be alright, amore mio."- soothed Leo, holding my hand securely, kissing it tenderly, keeping me sane. 

"You are very strong, mamma."- spoke so sweetly Adriano as Tini gently rubbed my shoulder, making me smile. 

God, they are my little angels. 

I did my best to keep myself together and in some 10 minutes we reached the hospital. Doctor lead us to the room right away and bambinos settled on the sofa, being very kind, understanding, calm and patient. Max is on Adri's lap, Angie is on Teo's lap and Ari is on Tini's lap. 

Leo helped me to change out of my clothes - leggings, crop-top and sneakers - and I did my best to answer doctor's questions clearly.

"Lei partorirà oggi, onorevole Russo, ma è troppo presto per iniziare adesso."- stated doctor and I sighed, hugging Leo tightly, as he is holding me close, massaging my back, easing the pain more than I can describe. (You will give birth today, Mrs Russo, but it is too early to start right now.) 

"I quadrupli non sono completamente pronti a lasciare l'utero. Ti controllerò ogni 30 minuti e una volta che sarà sicuro iniziare, inizieremo la procedura."- stated doctor with reassuring smile and we nodded. (Quadruplets are not fully ready to leave the womb. I will check on you every 30 minutes and once it will be safe to start, we will begin the procedure.)

She left us alone and I took a deep breath, rubbing my belly, focusing on positive things: we will meet our 4 little cookies soon, we will get to hold them and kiss their cute little cheeks. 

"I came here as soon as I got your text."- said in rush Ignazio, holding the suitcase with necessary items for quadruplets and us. 

"Grazie."- I mumbled in my husband's strapping chest, breathing in his spicy, tantalising fragrance to stay calm. 

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