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I walked downstairs and saw Martin eating eagerly with smug look on his face. 

"God, who pissed you off? It is only 8AM."- he whined. I shoot him a glare and as soon as I heard my dogs approaching, I glared at them too.

"Oh, what did those pieces of shit do?"- wondered excitedly Martin and I looked at him warningly. 

"Do not call them like that."- I stated sternly and fed my little devils. Martin glared at my pups and scoffed.

"And they are the ones, who pissed me off."- I sighed as I leaned on the kitchen island. 

"I received a watch yesterday in a box. They kept winning all night, scratching the floor, begging for that fucking box. I had to get up in the middle of the night to give it to them."- I said and ran my hand through my hair. 

"What do they do with it?"- wondered Martin. 

"Sniff, lick and gently push around the floor."- I replied while making myself coffee. Martin looked at the dogs in disbelief.

"Are we talking about the same dogs? Your devils? Those, who are ready to tear anyone to shreds just because?"- commented Martin with wide eyes while eyeing my pups. 

"Yes, Martin. The same dogs. That's nothing special, calm down."- I confirmed and rolled my eyes. 


I am now fully dressed with my bag in my hand. I have pink set, white sneakers on, my hair is up in a ponytail, no makeup. 

I took a deep breath while looking around my room and closed the door

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I took a deep breath while looking around my room and closed the door. I went to mi famila, who is outside waiting for me. 

"You are always welcomed here, mi pequeña flor. This will always be your home."- said papa and hugged me. I nodded, knowing the he is right. 

We got in the cars and drove to the private airport. We boarded the jet and shortly took off. 

I sat sitting next to the window, my legs are pulled to my chest as my arms are wrapped around them. 

My life is about to change drastically. I am moving in the new entirely environment, I am getting married, my family will be away from me and God knows, how my fiancé is taking in the events and what is he like, what to expect. 

I looked at the ring on my finger and sighed. No matter what, I want this marriage to be filled with happiness. I will do all in my power to be the best wife I can possibly and impossibly be. He doesn't have to love me or anything like that, all I hope for is mutual respect and tolerance. 

A few hours later, we landed. It is 4PM. We exited the private jet and got in the black SUVs. We are staying at one of the hotels that belong to the Russo; well, my fiancé to be specific. 

Papa went to talk to Francisco and hermanos walked me to my suite. When we reached it, I opened the door with key-card and we walked inside. I went to the balcony and took a deep breath. 

"I am getting married tomorrow."- I exhaled, hearing footsteps approaching me. Hermanos hugged me.

"Call any of us the second he offends, hurts or disrespects you, hermanita. Promise us that."- said softly, but seriously Rodrigo. 

"I pinkie promise."- I stated as I offered them my pinkie finger. They shook it by turns with their own pinkies. 

We chatted til 8PM. 

After that, they left, wishing me good evening as I hugged each of them. Shortly, I took a long, bubble bath. I did my regiment and left my hair to air dry. I put on white, silky pyjamas on, that consist of shorts and tank-top. 


I always do what's best for la mia famigglia, so I sucked it up; after my pondering last nigh, I feel a bit better. Me marrying, though, doesn't mean that I am going to be loving, thoughtful and that bullshit all of a sudden. I am sticking to my plan: avoid her as much as possible. 

After my meeting with Martin in my office at my house, I went to pick up custom-made tux and shoes. I arrived home after that and packed a bag, as I have to stay over at my hotel tonight.

At 7PM I arrived. My suitcase was taken to my suite and I went to padre, who is talking to Mr Reyes. 

"Mr Reyes, it is nice to officially meet you."- I spoke calmly and confidently. 

He looked at me and shook my hand, but I could see unpleased look in his eyes. Well, I did stand him up and his entire family twice; the second time was unintentional, though. 

"Likewise."- he replied as his eyes drifted off to something behind my back. 

I looked over my shoulder and saw the brothers. Even though they were polite with me, I could see how angry with me they are. We all went to the bar and I ordered myself whiskey neat with ice; the Reyes are rum men as I learnt.

We talked; her family is nice, I give it to them. They are all clever and powerful. Dads went to their suits after some time, leaving me and the 6 brothers alone. 

"Okay, I get it. You are mad at me, you can drop the act."- I said and drank my whiskey. 

"Do not even for a second think that you can do whatever. Don't forget that we are powerful too. Do our sister wrong once, you will be sorry for that for the rest of your pathetic life."- spat angrily Dante while giving me a glare. 

"You will never deserve her."- stated Emiliano and they all walked away. 

I drowned the rest of my drink and went to bed. I need all energy I can get to get through the wedding. 

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