Bonus chapter 34.

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It's been a week. We are back in Florence, enjoying our lives peacefully. Well, almost. 

Mateo has been acting a little bit oddly lately: out of the blue he refused to go to Samuel Valeri, a boy who lives across the street and is very good friends with our sons. He does not want to go there at all and Domenico, as his twin, is concerned about his brother to no extend. 

"I cannot stand seeing Teo like this."- I sighed in distress, watching our boy play with Max in the yard. 

"Maybe we should talk to him now, principessa?"- asked in worry Leonardo, hugging me from behind lovingly, and I nodded. 

Bambinos are playing in the garden, quadruplets are in their outdoor crib, playing calmly, and our eldest kids can keep an eye on Angie, Ari and Max for the time being. 

"Amico, can we talk for a moment, per favore?"- I asked him warmly, gently rubbing his back, and he nodded, getting his little brother off the swing. 

"Go play with your siblings for a bit, buddy."- my beloved husband told our little boy and he nodded, dashing to Adri, who was in his sight. 

We went to the playroom, where we always have such personal talks, and sat down on the bean bags close to each other. Without uttering any words Mateo came to us and hugged us, nearly hiding in our arms, making our worry pass its limits. 

"Tesoro, what happened? You've been so quiet lately."- I asked calmly as Leo rubbed his back gently. 

Teo took a deep breath, hesitantly glancing at us, dropping his gaze as he sat up on our bean bag, twiddling his thumbs - habit that all kids got from me when they get nervous. 

"Non so come spiegarlo."- he sighed as we smiled reassuringly at him. (I don't know how to explain it.)

"Non correre, figliolo. Prenditi tutto il tempo di cui hai bisogno."- said warmly Leo, making our boy relax more. (Don't rush it, son. Take as much time as you need.) 

"La settimana scorsa Samuel ha detto che gli piaccio."- almost whispered our son, looking down. (Last week Samuel said that he likes me.) 

"E mi piace anche lui, nel modo in cui vi amate."- admitted Mateo, whispering it, and we smiled lovingly at him. (And I like him too, in the way you love each other.) 

"Ero così tranquillo perché avevo paura di dirtelo. Non voglio deluderti e non voglio parlarne ed è così spaventoso. So che mi ami, ma non riesco a scrollarmi di mente quel disagio e mi sta consumando."- said shakily Mateo, blinking away tears, and we gently wrapped him in our embrace. (I was so quiet because I was scared to tell you. I don't want to disappoint you and I don't want to be talked about and it is so frightening. I know that you love me, but I can't shake that discomfort off and it is consuming me.)

"Teo, niente cambierà mai il nostro amore incondizionato e infinito per te. Non ci deluderai mai, sarai sempre nostro figlio, il nostro orgoglio e la nostra gioia."- I told him sincerely, tenderly wiping away his tears that kept trailing down his cheeks. (Teo, nothing ever will change our unconditional, endless love for you. You will never disappoint us, you will always be our son, our pride and joy.) 

"Non importa a noi chi preferisci: uomini o donne. Tutto ciò che conta per tua madre e io è la tua felicità."- stated genuinely Leo, stroking his back soothingly, as Mateo slowly calmed down, relaxing more. (It doesn't matter to us whom you prefer: men or women. All that matters to your mum and I is your happiness.) 

"Non possiamo nemmeno immaginare quanto possa sentirti spaventoso, ma non sei solo, figliolo. Siamo sempre qui per te e ti sosterremo sempre."- I spoke honestly, caressing his cheek gently. (We can't even imagine how scary this might feel to you, but you are not alone, son. We are always here for you and we will alway support you.) 

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