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I miss Leo unutterably a lot. I yearn for him so much: his smile, his voice, his touch, his hugs, his kisses, his sweet gestures and adorable comments. 

I received bouquet, just like I used to; I teared up at the lovely action. I ate breakfast while Leo did the same with me over FaceTime. We talked about random things before he had to go. 

For the rest of the day I worked from home, played with our dogs, kept in touch with the love of my life, called hermanos and Gretchen. 

Now, it is 9PM. Aaron left a few minutes ago, guards are on their posts. I am in my silky pjs that consist of shorts and tank-top in navy colour. My hair is up in a ponytail, no makeup. 

As I was reading a book, loud shattering of glass made me jump in scare. I could go and check what is it, but I was taught better than that. 


I was in the middle of a meeting about last preparation before we attack the Russian's base. 

"Hold up."- I told Martin as my phone rang. 

"Hi, angel."- I spoke happily, but held back my joyful mood when all I heard was crying and sobs. 

"What's wrong, bambina?"- I rushed to ask in rush while my heart began beating like a drum.

"T-the house is under attack, Leo."- cried quietly Camila, making my heart drop. 

"Cami, listen to me carefully. In my nightstand there is gun, take it. Lock the door."- I told her softly, but seriously. 

"O-okay."- whispered Cami and I heard drawer being opened. 

"Got it."- she spoke with her angelic voice oozing fear. 

"Do you have the bracelet on yourself, baby?"- I asked while leaving the building, heading to the car to drive to the airport.

"S-sì."- sobbed softly Camila. 

"Good, make sure you have it on no matter what."- I spoke in immense worry. 

"Leo, they are trying to break down the door."- cried in horror Cami. 

"Where are you?"- I asked, feeling absolutely agonised.

"In the closet."- sobbed quietly Camila while rusting and banding on the door was audible in the background, making me push the pedal harder. 

"Bambina, I need you to be brave for me. Do your best to get away from them if they get inside. Take a car and drive to my parents."- I instructed her softly, doing my very best to remain collected. 

"I am scared, Leo."- she cried and I felt my eyes water. 

"I am on my way to you, angel. You are so strong, bambina. I love you very much."- I spoke as my hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. 

"I love you too, Leo."- cried Camila, getting my heart to twist in agony.


I gripped the gun tightly and held back my sob not to make any more noise. 

"I am flying to you, principessa."- spoke Leonardo, sounding unspeakably worried and scared. 

"Please, hurry up."- I begged as banging on the door got louder. 

In no time door was burst open, revealing 8 men. They look foreign. 

"Ain't you pretty little thing?"- commented one of them with very noticeable Russian accent. 

As tears rolled down my face, I shoot one of them in his stomach, catching them all off guard. But not for long. The other gripped me by my forearms and took away the gun. I kneed him in his groin, making him fall on the floor. I took the opportunity and ran, dashing out of the room as fast as I could. 

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