Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

Jasmine spent the rest of the morning researching runes as Sirius rifled through his own pile of paperwork from DMLE. There was no point in going back to sleep, the sun was rising and she had to get to Hogwarts sooner rather than later. Jasmine had gone straight into research mode after Dumbledore left and Sirius didn't like to leave her alone when she was that hyper focused. This way he got some of his own work done and kept an eye on Jasmine to make sure she ate.

They were in the third floor study. The room overlooked the Peverell gardens, which after a few years of careful monitoring, a lot of care and a bit of advice from Alice, had gone from a graveyard of withered vines to a lush and thriving plant filled environment. There were muggle and magical plants alike growing in various shades, shapes and sizes throughout the garden. It was a calming sight. It gave a good contrast, having the entire right side of the study full of windows, while the other walls were covered in dark bookshelves. The natural light made working easier.

Jasmine and Sirius had separate oak desks to spread their work out on and have their own personal spaces.

Jasmine felt that they were lucky that they had the same taste in furniture. Lily and James had fought tooth and nail when decorating their cottage in Godric's Hallow. And, while the Peverell Estate was Jasmine's, Sirius did live here full time and she wanted him to feel like he was at home...

Well, she actually wanted it to feel like he could create a home here. Grimmauld was never going to be home for him. Even after his mother was removed from the premises. There were too many bad memories for him to really feel safe there. Not to mention that Cassiopeia was there all the time and Sirius was terrified of her.

The house elves had been steadily supplying them with tea all morning and then slowly adding food to the tables around them.

"Are you going to go into the office today?" Sirius asked over his stack of paperwork. He had a quill behind one ear and another in his hand.

Jasmine pulled her eyes away from the mess of formulas Dumbledore had essentially left her to deal with. She looked towards the garden and noticed the sun had drastically changed positions. "I don't think so. I'll be headed straight to Hogwarts. I don't have that long till the school year starts and I don't want anyone attending if the building is going to fall down."

"Any idea on how late you will be out then? You and I both know that I have another meeting with the Order tonight."

She nodded, he had mentioned it a few times this week in passing. "Speaking of Order members. I will be stopping by the Weasley residence this evening. I have a few papers for Arthur to sign and some books for Bill."

"You do know that the Order meeting is going to be held at their home, right? I've told you that they are the current members hosting the meetings while Albus finds a more permanent headquarters?"

Jasmine grinned and Sirius let out an undignified snort as he fondly rolled his eyes. "Who do you take me for? Of course, I know. What better way to let everyone in the Order know that not only am I fixing the wards at Hogwarts and that I've taken on an apprentice from one of their most trusted light families."

"You know, everyone always said that Prongs and I were the bad influences, but you and Mooney got into plenty of trouble without our input. You two were the planners that got away with everything," he accused, as red ink dripped from quill and onto the parchment, "On the topic of our favorite werewolf, Dumbledore is still fuming that Remus refused to spy on the English werewolves for him and instead has been teaching in Japan during the summer months." Remus had created a life of his own in Japan with the Fujiwara clan. He still came to meetings and would go on counter raids when he was in Britain, but he wasn't an active spy. Jasmine was more than happy to see their friend living his best life away from all of the violence.

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