Chapter 32

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I'm back! Sorry for the delay, I've been busy with work this month.

Chapter 32

The after party would be in full swing approximately two hours after Jasmine's medal ceremony. It wasn't until after the award was handed to her did she start to feel the injuries from her match. Theo didn't hold anything back, the arse, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

She had to have a quick visit to a healer once she realized that her ankle was sprained and a large wet patch of blood was bleeding through her clothing on her arm. When it started to drip down her fingers and onto the floor, she knew that she had a problem. Flitwick escorted her to the infirmary, but had another student to speak to. One of the seventh years had been severely injured during their match, so he had more important matters to attend to. Jasmine made her way to an empty bed and waited for one of the Matrons to check her over. They weren't going to need to observe her, at least, that's what she hoped. Jasmine wasn't great with the whole, bedrest thing. She was on her own until she decided to head back to the dorms.

The infirmary was similar to the one at Hogwarts. The blasted room was white from top to bottom and all the students there looked like they'd rather succumb to their injuries than spend another minute cooped up here. The matrons were rushing around, healing wounds and giving out potions. Each had on a pristine white uniform with the dueling tournament's logo stitched onto the front left. Two Griffins fighting over a serpent between their two beaks. The logo was supposed to represent something about cooperation, but Jasmine had yet to see anything like that during the entire tournament. It was like there were six Madam Pomfreys in one room with the way people were brought in and out at lightning speed.

Everything was taken care of rather quickly. It was nothing more than a wave of a wand and small dose of a potion. Jasmine was taken care of in a similar manner, there wasn't much physically wrong with her to begin with.

She got to check on Sirius, who was awake on his bed, facing the window, his head wrapped and his leg carefully bound and propped up. He didn't seem to notice her as he stared off into the distance. "Are you going to be alright?" She asked, as she sat down next to him, commandeering the chair next to the cot.

The springs in the mattress creaked as Sirius flipped over on the bed his hair sticking up at odd angles from laying down in bed...and the blood acting as gel. "I'm fine! What are you doing here? Did you win? These prison guards won't tell me anything!" He whined, sounding more like his animagus than anything remotely human.

One of the Matrons rolled her eyes and Jasmine was tempted to do the same. "I won, you prat," she replied as she dug around in her pocket and pulled out the first-place medallion they'd given her only a few minutes ago.

It was gold, with the number one etched into its surface, as well as the city and year that the match took place. She could tell that much just from looking at it. There were some enchantments on it, Jasmine could feel the runes carved into the rim and she wanted to get a better look at them. From what she could feel with her fingers they were Germanic in origin and were more or less just there to keep the medallion from tarnishing or getting dented. She hoped that there was something more creative within it. Medals have a lot of potential to have hidden magic within them.

In more than one life she had runes etched into her jewelry for protection.

Sirius snatched the medallion out of her hand and looked it over appraisingly. "The gold is a decent quality, so they didn't cheat you out on the in your medal, but I would get it looked at by a goblin, just to make sure there's nothing weird about it. I don't like the magic that it's giving off."

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