Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

As always, the year started with little fanfare. Jasmine crawled out of bed and got ready for her morning run two hours before her dormmates woke up. She came back, took a shower, and made it to breakfast just as the Marauders were blearily sitting down.

Sirius was grabbed at least three pieces of bacon too many off of a plate as James snatched some toast from dish next to Remus' arm. Jasmine wrinkled her nose in disgust as Sirius shoveled them into his mouth. "Attractive," she drawled as she spooned some porridge into a small bowl and topped it with some fruits and nuts.

Remus smacked him over the head with his morning paper, nearly causing him to choke. "We keep trying to train him to eat like a civilized mutt, but it seems that you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

James snorted into his morning tea at the jibe, droplets splashed across the table and he swore when some dripped onto his fingers. Merlin, these three were a mess in the morning...or really any time of day.

It wasn't long until McGonagall was handing out schedules. Jasmine was taking all classes necessary for a future runes-mistress and then the standard curriculum. James was taking all classes necessary for an Auror, Sirius had started taking more magical mathematics and dark arts based classes that his father strongly suggested, and Remus was taking classes geared towards teaching. Most of those classes were base core with a few in electives peppered in. For the most part, they would all be in classes with each other. There was never a moment when one person was going to be alone for any given class.

Sirius groaned into the table as he lightly thunked his head against the wood. "I understand why I need to use math in the future, but Merlin, I don't want to take this class."

Remus and Jasmine gave him light pats on the back. "Hey, you aren't that bad at mathematics. Remus and I can help you if you start to struggle. You got high marks on your OWLs."

"But that was after hours and hours of revisions that you two helped me with. You have the potential internship, what if you're too busy to help," he whined dramatically, but then jumped with a yelp as James poured some cold water over his head.

James had a grin spread from ear to ear as Sirius shook his hair out, splashing everyone nearby. Jasmine received the brunt of it. Sirius cast a drying spell to make sure every curl was back in place before he sat back down grumbling. "Stop throwing yourself a pity party, Pads. It is unbecoming. Speaking of lists, where is that list of protentional suitors?"

Sirius' face slowly heated as he pulled out three pieces of parchment. He shoved them in their general direction and turned away.

Jasmine snatched one off the table and flipped it open. Her eyes quickly scanned the contents and she understood why he was nervous. "These women are very high class and very foreign. It will be interesting to look into them and see which one would match your personality the best," Jasmine mused, tapping her nose in thought, "not to mention which ones you probably wouldn't manage to insult by just being you."

Remus coughed, attempting to hide a laugh at the comment. Sirius glared from across the table, but didn't say anything to the contrary.

"Your father has interesting taste. None of these girls were born in the United Kingdom. Speaking the same language for basic communication is going to be difficult," Remus added as he mouthed some of the harder to pronounce names.

"Translation spells are always an option until they properly learn their partner's language. There have been a few Potters that had to do that in the past. It isn't ideal, but it gets the job done," James commented, biting his lip at the end. "Just for reference, Pads, what languages do you speak again?"

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