Chapter 111

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Chapter 111

It took nearly four months after the battle to bury the dead, make sure the government didn't collapse on itself, arrest a multitude of dark lord sympathizers, heal from injuries and get Brightbark's trial in motion.

Once it started, it didn't take long to find him guilty of murder and attempted murder. Granted, he was brought before the Wizengamot, which consisted of a lot of Black Family sympathizers. Jasmine and Sirius had to recuse themselves, since he had tried to kill them. They were witnesses.

The sentencing was going to occur later this evening, but both Jasmine and Sirius didn't care to hear it. The man was guilty, that was all Jasmine really cared about. Sirius was worried he would hex him, so he stayed home, but Jasmine also knew that he didn't like people staring at him while he was in his magical wheelchair. Bella was present at the trial and she would give them a lovely play-by-play of what happened.

The Wizengamot, except for criminal trials, had been adjourned for the last few months to deal with the fallout within the different pureblood families before coming before the masses and voting on any new bills. In two days' time, they would be voting on new werewolf legislation. Jasmine was hoping that they could get some of the more archaic laws out and push for a more modern approach to magical creatures' legislation. And, with all the deaths and arrests within the more conservative sides of the Wizengamot, Jasmine might have a chance of pushing this through without it being overly contested. Dumbledore was also stepping down as Supreme Mugwump. The headmaster had decided it was time for him to start stepping away from politics and let the younger generation start to take over. Which, meant they were also going to be voting in a new head to the Wizengamot. It had been quite a few decades since that happened.

While she had made time to sort through bills and different jobs Gringotts needed her to focus on. Jasmine had spent most her free time updating her home to accommodate a magic wheelchair. Sirius had specific modifications in mind for the muggle device. He had taken most of his inspiration from his motorcycle that was in their back shed. Theo had urged him not do anything too drastic to the chair. Her friend didn't want to have to heal Sirius' further than he already had to on a regular basis.

Theo would kill Sirius if started breaking bones that were only recently healed.

The wheelchair hadn't been modified that heavily, well, for Sirius' anyway. Jasmine had been supervising most of it, since she had done the rune work on the damn thing and Lily had done most of the charms. Between the two of them there were enough safeguards on it to make sure that Sirius wouldn't get hurt. The chair had the capability of minor flight, it could hover a meter or so above the ground and could be instructed to move in different directions via a joystick Jasmine had designed especially for the chair.

The kids thought it was "wicked" and the twins loved traveling with Sirius around the house. Charlie loved the fact that it could fly and he could be like a real dragon. Though, he also had a broom that could go faster and higher, but she wasn't going to argue with his logic, as long as he was having fun.

It only gave Theo minor heart palpitations. Merlin, was Theo a blessing sent to Jasmine from Lady Magic herself. He had been staying with them for the past few months while Sirius started healing after the murder attempt.

It had shaken the boys to see Sirius hurt, but they were all just happy to be alive. Weekly mind healer appointments had been mandatory for all family members up until recently.

Bill had started back up at Hogwarts at the start March. Apparently, Bill was ahead in all of his classes. He complained about being bored in a few of his letters...until Jasmine offered to send him more homework, then those complaints stopped.

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