Chapter 20

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Sorry that this is a day late. I had a horrific migraine last night and couldn't stare at my laptop long enough post it.

Chapter 20

Jasmine wasn't proud of it, but she ran. It was easy to avoid Peeves and Filch. All of the ghosts gave her a wide berth and she ended up in small alcove on the other side of the school. It was a lovely space with wide windows facing the forest. She was covered by thick velvet curtains, so no one could see her.

Not too many people knew about it, no matter the life she lived. She had found this spot as Harriet a few lives ago and always came here when she needed a good cry.

As Harriet she had needed to come here often. The title of Master of Death was a lonely one. She had no one to share her burden with and saving the world alone was so difficult. Occasionally, she would share her story with close friends, but she had lifetimes of practice with her friends from the nineties, she didn't know anyone here. She only had a faint idea of who she could really trust and who she couldn't. She was too old to be homesick, but here she was crying her eyes out over friends she would never have with her again.

She was going to need to contact Regulus and tell him that Sirius wasn't going to be speaking to his family any time soon. She had failed. The entire future could be ruined. More importantly, a relationship that she had grown to care for may have been fractured beyond repair.

Jasmine had physically hit Sirius. She could still feel the slight sting from it on the tips of her fingers. What kind of monster was she turning into? Had she really ruined the timeline and the future in the span of ten minutes? What if she began splitting the Marauders up? What if the people she knew in the future were never even born because of her meddling? She felt herself heave up another quiet string of sobs.

"Jasmine? Is that you? Are you crying?" A quiet voice asked from the hallway. It was laced with genuine concern. Remus was here, of course he was. James was probably consoling Sirius and Remus had been sent to find her.

She sniffled and rubbed at her eyes. "Remus? What are you doing here?"

"I'm on patrol, but I heard someone crying," he replied as he entered the alcove and took in the pitiful sight before him. Jasmine knew she wasn't a graceful crier, no one really was, except a few pureblood witches she'd known in past lives. She'd never mastered that. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy. There had to be tear tracks down her cheeks. Thank Merlin her nose wasn't running uncontrollably, or this would be mortifying.

"I'll be fine," she said, attempting to give him a wobbly smile, but it quivered enough that she just pulled her knees up to her chest and hid her face from him.

"Hey, none of that," Remus chided, sitting next to her and disentangling her limbs so that she was more less sitting side by side next to him, his arm around her shoulders. A tentative hug. It felt nice. "So, who am I hexing?"

Jasmine choked, "What?"

She felt him tighten his grip around her shoulder and chuckle a little bit. "Who I am hexing for hurting you?" He asked again.

Jasmine sighed, letting out a shuddering breath. Remus waited for her to collect herself. He just rubbed her right arm encouragingly. "Sirius and I got into a fight. We both said some things that we shouldn't have, and I might have ruined everything. I haven't had many friends over the years and I cherish all of the relationships that I make. I just tend to ruin everything I touch," she replied eventually, feeling her traitorous eyes beginning to water again.

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