Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Naturally, by the time that she made it downstairs for breakfast a couple hours later the rumors around Hogwarts of her daring adventure were already circulating. Jasmine had apparently defeated over a hundred dementors at once with only a single spell, saving all of Hogsmeade. James and Sirius were mentioned in a few as helpers who attempted to assist Jasmine, but ended up needing their witch in shining robes to save them.

She wasn't all that fond of the story. Jasmine didn't need to get James and Sirius riled up over nothing and Merlin knew those two had some serious pride issues. The rumors seemed too farfetched, even if it was fairly close to the truth. None of them mentioned Bellatrix, which was rude, since she did most of the saving.

Jasmine wasn't one to brag about the different ways that she saved people, that just caused trouble. Lockhart level trouble. Honestly, she could write a book about the hundreds of ways that her hero complex has gotten her in awful situations she's had to spell herself out of, and it was nothing to be emulated by the younger masses.

But, that was neither here nor there. Jasmine beelined it towards the Gryffindor table, sitting between Sirius and Remus, who seemed to have left a spot open for her. Remus seemed worse than the night before, though, he wasn't flushed with fever. It was a full moon tonight and Jasmine doubted that he would last the full day. He was lucky it was Sunday, he could take most of the day to just rest, maybe get a little bit of revising in. OWLS were nearly upon them and Jasmine had seen him studying when his two trouble making friends weren't looking.

"Good morning," she greeted with a yawn. James gave her a small wave from the other side of the table, but there wasn't much enthusiasm in it. He seemed paler than normal. Maybe the dementors bothered him more than Jasmine had initially thought. She'd need to talk with him about that later.

She gave Remus' shoulder a quick squeeze as she grabbed her favorite tea and small bowl of porridge. "I hope you didn't have any plans this afternoon..." Sirius grumbled, his head in his hands. She raised a confused eyebrow before Sirius handed Jasmine a folded-up note with more flourish than necessary and a dramatic sigh to finish it off.

As it turned out, she needed to go to the Headmaster's office with James and Sirius where Amelia Bones would be taking their final statements about the events from yesterday. Jasmine really didn't think that it would be healthy for James and Sirius to continuously relive the trauma of yesterday without a mind healer present to do the questioning. She had one the few times that Euphemia had asked her about the Chesters, but then again, dementors aren't really criminals, as much as actual monsters.

Jasmine shivered slightly at the thought of the dementors. She might need to see her mind healer again. This body had seen far too much violence and suffered too much at the hands of other witches and wizards. It was easy to have set backs and a dementor attack might just be enough to leave Jasmine reeling a little bit.

"Are you alright there, Jazz?" James asked from across the table, his glasses were slightly askew from all the time he had more than likely ran his hands through his hair this morning. He was wearing two different layers of jumpers. Jasmine dropped a few chocolate chips into her porridge in the vain hope that it would make her feel a little bit better.

Sirius pretended to vomit when he saw what she was doing. "Are you honestly going to eat that?"

She glared. "Yes, chocolate is a good thing after dementor exposure. The symptoms can last for days, even weeks if not treated properly," she replied, shoving a bit of food in her mouth. It didn't taste too bad, just really sweet, but the chocolate did help. After she swallowed, she pointed her spoon at them. "You two don't seem to be doing much better than I am."

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