❥9: Beach Day

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*unedited* please kindly point out any errors if you see them!

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Nick told Jessie to meet him at his dorm at 7:00 PM before she walked off to her next class--there they'll watch the movie 'Anchorman' along with Nick's roommate, Jace.
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It was 6:30 and I was on my way to Nick's place. I quickly threw on my Stanford hoodie, grabbed my car keys, and ran out the door.

I was super proud of that Stanford hoodie, to be honest. I'd worked my ass off to get into that school, and I couldn't be more happy. It'd been my dream to go to Stanford since I was a little girl.

As I closed the car door shut and turned my car on, my phone began blasting "Jungle" by X Ambassadors. Brooke seemed to think it was the funniest thing ever when she changed her ringtone to it, because she had run off with my iPhone and I was following her into the bushes behind campus.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered the phone.

"I got a boyfriend!" Brooke shouted excitedly into the phone.

"Oh my god, congrats!" I asked. I couldn't be happier for Brooke.

"Thanks! He asked me out last week after we bumped into each other at a Starbucks. Funny, eh? Plus, he goes to Stanford just like you!" Brooke said at about a billion words per minute.

"I'm so happy for you!" I squealed with excitement.

"I'm very happy for me too!" Brooke giggled.

"So... When did he ask you out?" I questioned.

"Last week, actually. I meant to call you earlier but I had a bunch of exams... Sorry!"

"Haha it's totally fine! We should totally hang out at the beach tomorrow!" I said in excitement.

"Sounds perfect! We could examine him with the criteria list and see if he passes, eh?"

"The usual spot?" I asked. It felt like I hadn't seen Brooke in months, when in reality, it probably hadn't even been a week and a half.

"Yep! 10:00 AM?"

"Sure! See you then!" I cheerily spoke, before hanging up.

I checked the time on my phone right after my conversation with Brooke, and it read '6:45 PM'. Whew, I still had enough time to get to Nick's right around 7:00.

I turned my key in the ignition before speeding off to his and Jace's apartment, excitement coursing through my veins as I thought about watching movies with my two new friends.

One thing kind of lingered in the back of my mind though... Why would Nick get an apartment at Stanford instead of just living in the dorms? Aren't raging college parties in dorm rooms "part of the experience"?

I mean, the only reason I didn't live in a dorm was because I have a dog, and while the apartments allow them, it's much cheaper to just rent out my own flat.

Wait... That must be it! Maybe Nick has a pet?

After letting my mind wander aimlessly for the rest of the car ride, I finally pulled into the parking lot below Nick's apartment. I walked into the building and up to the front desk.

"Um... I'm here to see a guy named Nick?" I spoke to the woman at the desk. She seemed mid-60s maybe, and like one of those sweet grandmas who bakes her grandkids cookies. I honestly just wanted to give her a hug.

"Oh, go right ahead up the elevator, hun! He's on the second floor, the third door on your right." She told me and smiled.

"Thank you!" I made a small wave at her and stepped into the elevator, pressing the button. It slowly went up to the second story.

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