❥3: Wacky Baristas

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*unedited* please kindly point out any errors if you see them!


(The day after Jessica's birthday)


Not again...

"What do you want?" I snapped into the phone.

"Well good morning to you too!" The person on the other line chuckled, "Jessie, it's just me."

"Me... Who?" I glanced over at my alarm clock to check the time, and noticed that it's 10:31. Wait... 10:31?!

"It's Jason, your amazing friend that ever so kindly offered to give you a ride to the university. I'm in my car, waiting outside," he laughed again into the phone.



"My alarm clock didn't go off... Just--uh--Give me a minute." I hang up, flinging my phone onto my bed. I had one of those amazingly indestructible phone cases, so I didn't particularly care about where I hurled my phone. It simply never broke.

I put on the first outfit I could find then bolted down the stairs and out the front door, locking it quickly.

"Um... Jess?" Jason asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm?" I asked in the midst of shoving random items into my purse.

"What are you wearing?" He stifled back laughter.

I looked down and gaped in horror as I saw a pink shirt with Hello Kitty's face plastered in the center. But hey, at least my pants were somewhat decent.

"Give me your jacket."

"Excuse me?" Jason laughed again.

"We are late!" I grunted in frustration, then pointed a finger at Jason. "Hand it over."

"Whatever," Jason chuckled, shrugging off his jacket and handing it over to me.

"Now drive!" I shouted as I shut the door to his car and pumped my fist in the air wildly. The car sped down the street as we made our way to the university.


We made it to the university with barely enough time for me bolt over to my first class before being counted tardy. I ran in as quickly as possible, then opened the door and strolled into the room.

"Miss Blue, you are late. Again." Mr. Watson looked up at me pulling his glasses away from his eyes as I walked in only a minute late.

"Sorry Mr. Watson, won't let it happen again." I sighed in annoyance. He and I both knew that was doubtful.

"Take a seat, Miss Blue. In the front." He narrowed his eyes slightly, pointing at the vacant seat in the front of the classroom. Figures.

This was just the beginning of a terribly long day at the University.


"So, how was Mr. Watson when you walked in late?" Jason asked me as I climbed back into his car after what seemed like hours of frustration.

"I don't even want to talk about it," I groaned, narrowing my eyes at him. After forcing me into sitting in the front, Mr. Watson called on me for literally every difficult question he asked. I didn't even raise my hand! And I swear, that guy was probably just making half of that shit up so that he had an excuse to tank my "class participation" grade for being late. UGH.

Jason just laughed like the idiot he was, until finally, he spoke up, " Wanna go get some Starbucks? You've had a pretty shit day I see..." He chuckled.

"Sure," I shrugged as we rode off to Starbucks. There's probably one of those coffee shops on every street corner, so finding a Starbucks within legitimate driving distance is really not an issue.

"Wanna listen to some music?" Jason asked politely, a little too politely if you ask me, pointing at the radio dials in the center consul of his car.

"Um... Sure, I guess," I replied as I looked out the car window. I could feel him smirking next to me and it was petrifying.

"Great!" He screeched in a high pitch voice as he turned the dials all the way up to max volume and blasted some terrible music. It was One Direction, sorry to say it.

"My ears! They're bleeding!" I screeched as I covered my ears and turned off the radio spastically. No offense to the Directioners out there, but I hated their songs. The lyrics are shallow and I preferred artists whose songs carried deeper meaning, like Coldplay for example.

"You don't like my music?" Jason looked at me, fake pouting.

"No offense dude, but 'your music' is shit." I patted his shoulder, grinned, then continued to watch the scenery fly past me through the car window.

"That cuts me real deep Jess, real deep." He feigned hurt and put his hand to his heart. The little drama queen.

"We're here!" I smiled like a little schoolgirl as we parked behind the Starbucks.

"Indeed we are." Jason smiled as he opened the door, turned off the engine, and got out of the car, me following suit.

Jason and I finally went into the caffeinated heaven, laughing together about something or other that Jason had said. He playfully shoved me through the door and I smacked his shoulder, grinning. It's funny how Jason could instantly lift my mood.

It's also funny how quickly that mood can be smashed, killed, and have it's limbs gruesomely ripped off.

"Hello and welcome to Starbucks! My name is Mandy!" The barista giggled, "How can I help you all today?" She asked excitedly. I gave her a once-over and held back a grimace, frowning. She had a blonde ponytail with big pink bow, a pink Starbucks apron (not sure how the hell that happened, but it must have had something to do with their new pastry items, as those were coated in pink vomit as well), and a white smile that could blind even a movie star. Her over-enthusiastic attitude was overwhelmingly fake, and she looked like a made up Barbie doll.

If you asked me, her 'personality' was like she was constantly shitting rainbows and pissing sprinkles.

It was disgusting.

"Uh..." I stared at her for a moment awkwardly, before deciding what to drink. "I think I'll have a tall caramel macchiato, iced please," I answered wearily.

After giving her little getup another glance, I added: "You know what? Add an extra shot of espresso, please." I gave her the best fake smile I could muster, handed her the exact change, then dashed off to the counter where all the drinks were served up. I'd had a pretty bad day already, and I deserved this caffeine. I heard Jason laughing in the background and I began slyly listening in on their conversation curiously.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Blondie asked him, practically bouncing up and down and smiling like the world was going to end.

"Um... no...." Jason responded awkwardly, scratching at the back of his head.

"Are you sure?" She asked again, high-pitch giggling as she put in Jason's order and he met me over at the counter.

That was strange...

I called up Brooke as I *patiently* awaited my Starbucks. After this interesting roller-coaster-of-a-day I'd had, we really needed to have a girls' night.

A/N: Sorry the updates have been kinda slow, I had exams this week and I've been super stressed out. What do you think of chapter 3? Thanks for reading!

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