❥7: Coffee and Cute Smiles

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*unedited* please kindly point out any errors if you see them!

Sorry for the huge delay in updated guys, I've been having some writer's block, among other things. Thanks for your patience! I promise I'll make it up to you all with a long chapter next! Enjoy! xx

It had been nearly one week since Jason left for New York, and to be honest, I hadn't really done much. Brooke and I were watching American Horror Story on my sofa while eating pizza and ice cream. Healthy, I know.

"You seem pretty chill about your brother moving.... Why?" I asked Brooke.

"Eh, I kinda saw it coming. I mean, he wasn't really happy at Stanford and I know that he's always dreamed of going to Columbia since he was a kid," Brooke responded nonchalantly.

"He didn't like it at Stanford?" I asked in shock. I hadn't known about this before.

"Yeah, you didn't notice? Honestly, the only reason he stayed for as long as he did was because of you," she said, briefly glancing over at me before continuing to glue her eyes to the television. I mean, it was the best show currently on television, after all.

"Really?" I was in complete and utter shock. Why would he stay for me? I mean, as far as getting a ride in the morning, I'm perfectly capable of driving myself.

And then... It hit me. Like an avalanche.

Maybe all those peoples' lovebird comment did hold a true ring to them. I thought back onto the kiss just before leaving, and everything began to make sense.

Maybe.... just maybe, Jason liked me as more than a friend?

Unfortunately, this posed a bunch of problems... the big one being that he just moved to the other side of the freaking country.

But then again, I really wasn't so sure that I felt the same way towards him.
- - - - - - - -
After finishing my classes at Stanford for the day, I headed over to Starbucks. It was nostalgic, in a way, remembering all the times that Jason and I had come here.

As I was sitting at a small table in the back next to a window, a guy walked into the Starbucks. It was the same guy I'd seen last time--the guy who walked in with all his friends. The one with the really nice smile. Hmm....

I looked up from my book for a moment and saw him order. He glanced my way for a second and my head immediately whipped back down to my book, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I could see him quirk an eyebrow from the corner of my eye, and after grabbing his drink, he walked over to me.

"Hey... Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked. "Oh, and yeah, my name's Nick." He smiled. God, that smile...

"Yeah, I think we have a class together at Stanford. My name's Jess." I looked up at him.

"Foreign language, right?" He said as his eyes lit up in recognition.

"Yup," I responded, popping the 'p'.

"Cool, cool... Well I've gotta run--Can't keep the girlfriend waiting around for her coffee, can we? See you around, Jess," he chuckled and grinned again before heading out.

He has a girlfriend? Ugh, why do all the nice guys have to be already taken?!

A/N: Sorry for the delay in update! I know this is kinda a filler chapter, but I promise the next chapter will be more important. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

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