❥4: The Creation

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*unedited* please kindly point out any errors if you see them!

||November 24||

It was mid-afternoon and Jason had just dropped me back at my flat, Brooke arriving about half an hour later.

"So... What movies have you got planned?" Brooke hauled in grocery bags filled with junk food, popcorn, and more of those deliciously not-nutritious foods that would probably end up killing me later.

"Hm... How about we head up to my room and watch TV?" I ask.

"Perfect," she grinned, her face lighting up in a way that strangely reminded me of that heart-eyed emoji. Brooke had always been more of a TV show person than a movie person, anyways.

"I'll make the popcorn!!" I ran over and snatched it from her grocery bags, grinning from ear to ear. The nights when Brooke and I hung out were always the best. I grabbed the popcorn packet out of the grocery bags and threw it into the microwave.

"I have the perfect idea of what we can do!" Brooke squealed suddenly.

"What?" I asked as I watched over the microwaving popcorn.

"We should make a criteria list! Like for guys!" She jumped up and down with excitement, eyes wide.

"That doesn't even make sense..." I chuckled lightly, quirking an eyebrow.

"It would be like list of qualities that guys should have! If they have, say, 75% or more of the list, then they're datable. If they don't, they aren't worth our time." She explained like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Isn't that kinda, well... shallow?" I asked as I reached into the microwave to take out the popcorn, burning my fingers on the hot popcorn bag and mumbling a string of profanities.

"Well... Not really. We could think of it as a guideline, of sorts, so that are love lives are successful. Satisfaction guaranteed."

"Well.... Oh, what the heck, let's do it!" I smiled and shook my head as I walked back towards Brooke, now-cooled off popcorn in hand.

- - - - - - - -

2 hours later, Brooke and I were still sitting on my bedroom rug munching on popcorn, chatting, and creating the perfect list of male criteria. With reasonings behind everything, of course.

This list included:
1. A nice smile--For when we take pictures.

2. Good music taste--Because I can't listen to shit, sorry.

3. A sense of humor--To fill up those awkward moments.

4. Smells nice--I mean, this is kinda a given... Bad smelling people are just simply repulsive.

5. Helpful--If I need someone to help me cook dinner, then you had better help me cook the freaking dinner.

6. Gentlemanly--Lend me your jacket when I'm cold, because cold me=hyper and batshit crazy me.

7. Doesn't show off--I mean, you don't need to make me feel like shit on a regular basis...

8. A sense of fashion--So I'm not embarrassed to be seen in public with you.

9. Intelligent--I'd rather not hold a dumb ass conversation with someone who doesn't know a shit about anything...

10. Nice to everyone--If you don't like my friends, I don't like you. End of story.

13. Good with animals--All you need is love, ladies and gentlemen, love for my dog or I will not love you.

15. Clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--If you do not shower on a regular basis I do not want to be near you on a regular basis.

16. Sporty/athletic--I don't even know...jocks are just hot.

A/N: This chapters kinda short, sorry, but on the bright side--I've been updating more frequently! You're welcome ;)

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