Chapter 29: A Romantic Breakfast

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After a night as tiring as that, all Esther needed to rejuvenate was a vacation across the sea to the green mountains and pine-lined roads, however, a comfortable night long sleep followed by a filling breakfast on a table loaded with freshly baked bread and a savoury serving of bacon would have been just as fine had she not been forced to share that table with the most disagreeable arrogant man in the town, or perhaps the whole world.

However, with the fake Duke sitting right across her on the table, pulling bread loaves out of the same basket as her, she was barely managing a smile on her scowling face. 

She had not a clue why all of a sudden he was sitting in her dining room chatting with her mother and father that morning, however, she was also least interested in the knowledge. She only wished she could get done with the meal and bid him adieu soon though, that seemed far from reality.

"You indeed are very fond of carrots, are you not, Your Grace?" Lady Sherborne asked watching him intently. "Your mother loved carrots, I remember. His mother, The Duchess, and I were great friends back in the days." She added informing Esther, who only stretched her faux smile a little wider and nodded in response.

"I am, indeed," Edward replied reminiscing his childhood. "In fact, I remember spending the majority of my days eating carrots harvested from our own garden with my horse after she passed away, I was only ten, I believe?"

"Indeed. Ten and motherless. My heart ached for you my dear, however, I heard you dedicated yourself to education once your father remarried?" Lady Sherborne said with her heart sounding in her words.

"Ah yes, once the season for good carrots passed and my horse refused to eat any, I figured it was time. After that, I found fewer reasons to visit the castle." Edward continued to speak in a gloomy nostalgic tone leaving Esther bewildered at his vivid narration. She could hardly keep herself from forgetting that it was not his own story. "However, I would always find my way back when it was time to grow apples." He added looking at Esther, "Mother had once planted an apple tree in the garden. She watered it while she was alive and it yielded the most marvellous fruits but once she passed, the tree started to dry. It wouldn't react to anyone's watering until I watered it one summer and the tree bloomed once again. Ever since that summer, I have had to return home during the apple season. It is quite a trouble sometimes."

Esther was perplexed. She knew not how she should respond to his sharp gaze on her. It was quite a touching story and it did hit her heart but for a second thought, she could also not decide if any part of it was true or if it was all a part of his masquerade. 

Fortunately, he averted his gaze and turned back to Lady Sherborne. "I really do wish that it accepts my wife's watering one day, although it is quite hard to say. It really did inherit all the finickiness from its planter." He added with a chuckle. 

"Why, of course. Never in my life have I met a person as picky as your mother." Lady Sherborne added with great joy. "She was fortunate that she was beautiful, otherwise, the way she rejected men, she would have never found a man, I must tell you."

"But she did, did she not?" Edward playfully pointed out. "And that too The Duke of Dales, of all people."

"A Duke of all people indeed." Lady Sherborne repeated, getting more and more casual in her tone by the minute. "However, I am certain you are not aware of their legendary love story."

"Well, I'd love for you to enlighten me if you please," Edward replied with raised eyebrows making Lady Sherborne blush and Miss Sherborne, roll her eyes. 

"Why of course I should. Early breakfasts are for nostalgic stories and romantic memories, are they not my dear?" She asked, turning to Esther. She only responded with half a smile but that was enough to motivate Lady Sherborne to start her narration.

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