24. Record Breaking Good

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“How did you feel when you found you got to work with your idol?”

Everyone seemed to be interested to hear Qi Le An’s answer, even Wei Chang Feng gazed at him, keen to find out the answer. Qi Le An tilted his head and said, “It’s just so wonderful!”

“As you all have noticed, like all the other fans, I always refer him as Wei Sama, he has been idol since always. I was kept in the dark about Wei Sama was going to be the Grandmaster, so I basically froze when I saw him on the set. One day I walked past his trailer in a complete daze and all of a sudden he walked out from his trailer and said hi to me.”

The way Qi Le An recounted their encounter had captured everyone’s attention, “And then Wei Sama asked his assistant Gary to get me one of his autographed photo, I swear I almost fainted.”

The fans chuckled, then Qi Le An cast a glimpse at Wei Chang Feng, “To be perfect honest with you, I still feel like I’m so starstruck that I’m gonna faint whenever I see Wei Sama till this day.”

That had tickled the fans, everyone nodded their heads and burst into laughter. Qi Le An now put on a serious face and added, “All jokes aside, I’ve learned so much from Wei Sama, he would just instruct and influence me to do better by setting up a good example.”

Such a perfect answer, the fan who asked Qi Le An the question now looked at Qi Le An with admiration.

The MC took opportunity of the great atmosphere and asked, “I guess we are all wondering how does our Wei Sama feel about this cooperation with your own fan?”

Wei Chang Feng smiled, “I’m impressed, he is such a talented young actor, and he’s got such a great work ethic, I’m definitely looking forward to working with him more.”

That was the first time Wei Chang Feng lavished praise on Qi Le An like this, Qi Le An blushed crimson and lowered his head. He hadn’t come to his sense until the MC changed the subject and started to banter with Hu Bin and Lin Xue.

The last roadshow was such a great success, the whole crew heaved a sigh of relief when the fans left with a big smile on their faces. However, the crew members were still anxious about the ratings except Qi Le An, because he knew their drama would become a hit and break a few records in just a few days.

Director. Cui hosted a dinner party after the roadshow, he made a toast and thanked everyone for their hard work during the past few months.

Tears brimmed in Director. Cui’s eyes as he was surrounded by his dear colleagues, “I’m so lucky to have the best team work with me in the industry, together we have tried a bold way of promotion as well, my confidence is sky high, I know we can make it!”

Qi Le An knew how much pressure Director. Cui was under, Director. Cui had invested everything he had into the show, but the TV stations would only pay him according to the audience ratings. Director. Cui would end up losing everything if the audience ratings couldn’t achieve the desired results.

Everyone was affected by Director. Cui’s speech, emotion started to well up in the room, Wei Chang Feng now raised his glass and shouted, “Tonight is the night, we have got this in the bag! Let’s drink a toast to Director. Cui’s vision and hard work!”

Director. Cui laughed and said, “Thank you, Chang Feng, thank you for joining us.”

With that everyone rose to their feet and toasted to Director. Cui, Qi Le An poured himself some juice because he was underage, “Director. Cui, To Perish Demons will hog all the limelight!”

Director. Cui got to know this young man more and more in the roadshow tour, he appreciated Qi Le An’s work ethic as well, he patted Qi Le An’s shoulder, “An, a star is born, I can’t wait to see what the future holds in store for you.”

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