45. A Family Dinner

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It was Wei Chang Feng who was knocking on the door. Wei Chang Feng rushed to the hotel to check on Qi Le An during his lunch break.

“Have you eaten, Wei Sama?” Qi Le An smiled as bright as a flower on seeing Wei Chang Feng, he held his fried rice in both hands and asked whether he wanted some.

Wei Chang Feng had eaten already, he took a look at Qi Le An’s rice and praised him, “It’s good to see you are having a light diet, keep doing that for a few days, all right? ”

Qi Le An grinned, “I will.”

Chen Shan rolled his eyes.

“How is the arm now?” Wei Chang Feng put the cake he brought on the coffee table and asked Qi Le An.

Qi Le An raised his arm and said, “It’s good. Someone sent a packet of pearl powder just now.”

Wei Chang Feng asked as he were in deep thought, “Is it from the person who has hit you?”

“How do you know that?” Qi Le An asked in surprise: “He said he just wanted to come here and apologize to me before going home…”

“I just met him by the elevator.” Wei Chang Feng said.

Qi Le An nodded, and then he suddenly said, “Wei Sama, Dou Zhi Yuan didn’t hit me on purpose or anything. I always feel…it would be bad if he lost his job because of me.”

Wei Chang Feng asked, “Is that really what you think?”

Qi Le An nodded.

Wei Chang Feng looked at Qi Le An with some relief, “I’m glad you can think it this way.”

Qi Le An frowned and said with a distressed look, “But I don’t know how to deal with this matter.”

Wei Chang Feng smiled and said, “Let’s have dinner with Director Chen tonight, Tong is here too.”

On hearing that, Qi Le An thought of the lively and lovely girl, he couldn’t help asking: “I wanted to ask you this question last time, who is this Tong?”

Wei Chang Feng smiled and said, “Tong’s full name is Chen Jingtong.”

Qi Le An opened his mouth wide and said, “Is she… the daughter of Director Chen?”

Wei Chang Feng nodded.

Qi Le’an didn’t expect that the girl who dropped him the screenplay and said she was a fan of his had such a powerful backing!

Wei Chang Feng didn’t stay for too long, he returned to the set after inviting Qi Le An to dinner. Qi Le An who couldn’t help smiling on thinking how sweet his Wei Sama was had to face Chen Shan’s bombardment.

“Why didn’t you ask her who she was!” Chen Shan said.

“She said she was a fan, I just thought she was Wei’s friend!”

“You should have kept asking, how can an ordinary girl be friends with Wei Chang Feng!”

“Hey… it’s okay! Anyway, she’s my Lean Lover!”

“Lean…what? What are you talking about!”

Qi Le An suddenly realized it was not a thing to call his fans by nicknames back then, so he quickly corrected himself: “I said she was my fan!”

Chen Shan snorted and looked at Qi Le An and said approvingly, “Fans do love you.”

Qi Le An was in the mood to play with Chen Shan, he said, “Look at Wei Sama! He can just help me solve the problem in minutes…”

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora